Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Words Fail Me...

For once, I am speechless.
PEABODY - Eric J. Fraser wrapped his burly arms yesterday around the slight figure of his 8-year-old son, Jeremy, who doctors say will soon die, allegedly because the autistic child's mother failed to get him needed cancer treatment.

There are no winners in this story, only losers. The parents are divorced, apparently messily; the father appears to have wandered in and out of his son's life, even while he was underdoing cancer treatment; the mother has been negligent in the care of her son for reasons known only to her.

And an 8 year old boy (only a few months older than my own son) faces a 10% chance of living to see his 9th birthday instead of an 85+% chance. As I type this I'm holding back tears. There's no excuse for this. Not here, in MA, where we have world class hospitals dealing in children's medicine. Not now, in 2008, when we've made some pretty significant strides towards treating and beating cancer.

Part of it is because it is so unfathomable to me that a parent could willingly let harm come to their child. I would gladly lay down my life for my kids if it meant they would survive. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would, if need be, kill for my kids - G-d Himself have mercy on the SOB who tries to harm my progeny, for I shall have none. The idea that my child could have a serious disease that is treatable is horrifying; the idea that I could ever withhold treatment is simply beyond my scope of comprehension. I don't care if I have to take on a third job to afford. Tell me what I need to do, I'll do it.

G-d, if you're listening to this heathen sinner, please spread Your protection to this poor boy. Please let him be that 10%. Please.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to sign off, because it's raining on my keyboard.

That is all.


RW said...

Needless to say, this one hits very close to home for me.

If the legal guardian isn't brought up on charges, there is absolute chaos going on in your state, buddy. And that's all I can type as I am literally feeling sick to my stomach.

...what some people do to children with special needs....

zeeke42 said...

I just can't imagine doing that to a child. I have plenty of friends with divorced parents, but thankfully most of them put aside their differences for the good of the child. Parents who put their children in the middle of divorce battles are scum and don't deserve to be called parents.

Borepatch said...

"G-d, if you're listening to this heathen sinner, please spread Your protection to this poor boy. Please let him be that 10%."


SpeakerTweaker said...

I wish I had a better comment, other than just to say that I am disgusted.

And that The Lord hear our prayer.
