Thursday, August 28, 2008


So I'm behind this Subaru on the drive to work. It's got two bumper stickers on the back window. "Motorcycles are Everywhere" and an Obama '08 sticker.

And it struck me as odd. On the one hand, this person supports motorcycling in some manner. Maybe they ride, maybe one of their loved ones rides. In any case, they not only support bikers, but are willing to adorn their vehicle with a statement exhorting folks to be more cognizant of motorcyclists. They're supporting a form of transportation that's known to carry more danger than driving; one that has its supporters and detractors in all walks of life; one that, by its very nature, supports the individual rather than the group.

And on the other hand, they support the election of a neophyte socialist to lead the free world. They are willing to advertise their backing of a candidate who endorses further and further intrusion of government into our daily lives; someone who has promised to increase the level of control that same government maintains over each and every one of us.

And I couldn't get the two concepts to mesh. I pondered it for quite a while, until finally I hit on the only plausible answer:

The person who applied those stickers must be a biker who rode without a helmet and took a nasty spill...

That is all.


Borepatch said...

Maybe he took his nasty spill when he married a Democrat. ;-)

Unknown said...

Gotta disagree with ya Jay, and I'm not a big Obama fan.

"And on the other hand, they support the election of a neophyte socialist to lead the free world. They are willing to advertise their backing of a candidate who endorses further and further intrusion of government into our daily lives; someone who has promised to increase the level of control that same government maintains over each and every one of us."

It was the Republicans who illegally tapped into phone records, no warrant, no probable cause, no nada.

It was the Republicans who have made it a virtual nightmare to fly, are routinely confiscating private property (laptops etc) from citizens returning form abroad with no warrant or probable cause, and made us no safer as a result.

It's been the Republicans who launched the "war on drugs," taking he 4th amendment and burning it to a crisp.

It's been the Republicans who have been inspecting my library usage records with no probable cause, warrant or even disclosure and made it a crime for the Library to tell me about it.

I could go on and on..Government will tend to tyrannize, whatever the party. But compared to the last last 8 years, The worst Democrat offender is a rank amateur. And in California, it was Republican Pete Wilson who passed the helmet law. I know, I lobbied the legislature on behalf of ABATE on that issue.

Jay G said...

Read up on Carnivore (née Omnivore)and get back to me, Bill.

Read up on "Know Your Customer" and tell me what you think.

The Republicans started the War on Drugs? SRSLY? Look up when marijuana became illegal and get back to me.

And I'll trade you the TSA farce (and I agree completely that it's a farce) for the NEA and the union goons that are killing our public schools (and find out who started the Department of Education and get back to me). Please don't tell me that's a right wing conspiracy, please.

Oh, and WRT the TSA? It was Senate Majority Leader Daschle who uttered the phrase "You don't professionalize until you Federalize".

Stop. Please.

Look, I hate the Republicans just as much, but for different reasons (Flag burning amendment, DOMA, and "creative design" spring readily to mind). But to claim that they are WORSE than the Democrats at growing the government is laughable at best.

Lastly, thanks for your work on behalf of ABATE. I mean it.

The Farmer said...


I saw a similar sight recently over at the local indoor range (in NH).

Car parked at the door of a place that sells, rents, and promotes firearms with multiple Obama stickers. I hope the driver was borrowing the car, I don't know. The only other shooters there were younger than me, in their 20's or so, but sweet hayzeus, not a clue about the guy who wants to strip their hobby off their back?

True on carnivore, the USA PATRIOT Act was nearly unanimous in passing, national security letters were invented by the Carter administration and let's not forget Woodrow Wilson's (D) Espionage and Sedition acts.

Every political party has blood on its hands and treachery on its mind. The .gov ain't your friend kids.


SpeakerTweaker said...

Interesting, I find it, that when you really tear into a Democrat, some defender of the faith comes running out screaming about how bad Your Republicans suck.

This guy didn't even have all his shit together when he did it.

The heart of it all is that the argument assumes that you play into the same 2-party jackassery that he's in. Well, guess what, there Billyboy, we hates us some Republicans, too!

Being an American who's taking a shot at one of the two major political parties does NOT mean you're part of the other one.

Both parties suck. Even yours.

Oh, and nice fisking Jay;)
