Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Gun Pr0n #71

Alternate title: Be vewwy, vewwy quiet...

Today's firearm pic is another piece that was brought to the Northeast Bloggershoot last month. It's a pretty ordinary Walther P22 .22LR semi-automatic pistol, a neat little plinker to be sure and a training tool for folks who carry the Walther P99 series of handguns (or Smith & Wesson's twin, the SW99 series).

With a twist - it's got a can:

Ah. Nothing like a suppressed .22LR firearm to really bring home just how quiet freedom can be.

Shooting this gun without hearing protection, all you can hear is the action cycling and the rounds hitting downrange. It's quite surreal. If I lived in Free America this would be quite high on the list of fun guns worth dropping the $200 tax on (MA doesn't allow suppressed weapons unless you're a manufacturer thereof).

Interestingly enough, I loaded up my Smith & Wesson Model 17 with Aguilar's primer-only .22LR rounds, and it was only marginally louder. There was a "pop" on ignition of the round, but on a par with a small firecracker or powerful air rifle, not a regular .22LR. It's good information to file away...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

I REALLY want a suppressor set-up for my 1911...sadly I too am stuck-in-mass. : (

I was shooting the suppressed SBR AR, and I was surprised how quiet it was AND how much flash was still left after the can got done with it!

Mike W. said...

I'm jealous, even Mass. allows suppressor, but Delaware... nope.

dr mac said...

I'd love to read a post on the difference between silencers, suppressors, and "cans", etc.
What is legal in Mass and what isn't. I could use a lesson.