Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Having Male Children Means...

...at some point in their lives, you will utter the phrase

Why the hell did you pee in the sink?

No one ever told me parenthood was this glamorous...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Man, I haven't done that since I was like.... 23.

Anonymous said...

Lessee . . .

Your progeny is a bit too young for copious qty's of alcohol to be involved . . . did he "OD" on juice boxes or something? Hope his aim was true.

Borepatch said...

Because your bathroom isn't, as they say Down East, a "Two Holler" (sorry, "Hollah").

And dude, you're really muscling in on Og's turf, what with this and last week's cr@pblogging.

One stop blogging, yessiree.

Anonymous said...


I told my wife I'm going to write a book about parenting, being married, etc.

The title would be "I never thought I would..."

This is a classic example. Remind me to tell the story of how I attempted to euthanasized two turtles. Those little suckers are tough.

MedicMatthew said...

Dude, external plumbing means you can pee in the sink. It isn't a matter of "why?" but more a matter of "why not?" It is simply one of those "because I can" moments.

Now, the propuh term would be "two holuh" (holer). Now, us boys up theyuh from downeast might not be the most civlized creatchuhs, but dangit we do know how tuh make the best of the sitchiashun. I tell ya by gub, s'merly a mattuh of convenience- utilizin' the tools ya gut on hand to 'ccomplish the desiuh'd goal. S'all there is to it mistuh.

Mike W. said...

Ah, the freedom we have as men. The sink is as good a place as any, and that includes the one in the women's room.

breda said...

none of you are invited inside my house.

Anonymous said...

Do you have trees?