Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It was bound to happen.

I was hoping it would have happened further down the road, but I'm happy to have gotten as far along as we did. Sure, I'm a little sad, but it's one of those things that comes with time and age. Do I wish it would last longer? Hell yeah. Would I change it if I could? I really can't say.

My seven year old son informed Mrs. G. and me this morning that there was to be no further kissing goodbye on school grounds. "Too embarassing" he says. "I'm too old for it" he protests. "All the other kids make fun of me" he whines.


I knew someday we'd come to this point. I was just hoping, foolishly, that it might happen closer to college...

Have a good first day of school, buddy. Daddy loves you very much, even if he embarasses you by doing uncool things like kissing you goodbye in front of your friends.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go buy some Geritol™...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

My wife informed my son early on that in no uncertain terms that she would kiss him good-bye before he leaves the house even if she had to track him down which she actually did - on the bus - in front of his freinds. He doesn't complain any more now...

Epijunky said...

My eight-year-old informed me of the same this morning.

He did agree that if I gave him a kiss before we reached the school that would be okay, however.

Now to get some geritol of my own.

Anonymous said...

Wait until they become teenagers. They don't want to be seen talking to you in public. They don't even want to be SEEN with you in public.

Grab all you can get now. They grow up very fast.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly one of the big reasons I wanted a daughter (and I got one, too!). It's totally selfish on my part, I know, but not being able to give the offspring a spontaneous hug would be torture.