Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Send the Royalty Checks to...

Hey, Madison Avenue? Here's a free tip for ya.

Make the commercials that you're going to run early in the morning understandable without volume. Lots of folks are watching TV while exercising, and most are wearing headphones. You aren't going to get your point across to Joe Public who's plugged into his iPod by having witty banter between two paid actors. You need to branch into the visual. Change with the times, baby...

On a related note, anyone ever listen to a TV commercial after seeing it muted about 50 times and be shocked at how whiny the person's voice is? Or is it just me?

That is all.


breda said...

You should see Mike & me at bars. We're hypnotized by the TVs since we don't have one. We spend a lot of time saying to each other, "What the hell?" Commercials are especially weird.

knitalot3 said...

Or how LOUD the stupid commercials are. I have been known to sit with my finger on the mute button.