Friday, August 29, 2008

History Began Yesterday...

...once again, for the Democrats.

Carter: McCain 'milking' POW status

DENVER, Aug. 28 (UPI) -- Former President Jimmy Carter says Republican U.S. presidential contender John McCain is "milking" his status as a former prisoner of war, USA Today reports.

In an interview with the newspaper, Carter said McCain is a "distinguished Naval officer" but he said McCain has been "milking every possible drop of advantage" from his Vietnam War ordeal by using it extensively as part of his defense against criticism by political opponents.

Eight fuckin' words for ya, Jimmeh: "I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty."

Kerry's answer to any question he was asked on the campaign trail started with "Well, when I was in Vietnam..." The man couldn't take a shit without talking about his time in 'Nam. Remind me, Jimmeh, how long was Kerry in country? I believe the time was measured in months, was it not? Not five and a half fucking years in a POW camp. John McCain has earned the right to cite (not "milk") his time spent in Hanoi. Now shut your senile piehole, you miserable failure.

Two more words for ya, Jimmeh, Fuck and You.

Why? Because you, the other hypocrites of the Democratic party, and the supplicant press who report your brain drippings as gospel are going to force me to vote for John fucking McCain. Congratulations.

That is all.


RW said...

Seems like it was just yesterday that I was telling you what an embarrassment this man was.

Oh, yeah, it was yesterday.

Of course, it could be any day. He's that embarrassing.

DJK said...

Jay, you're earning my respect and even admiration each and every day with your posts.

This is perfect!

I love ya man!