Saturday, August 30, 2008

McCain Ads I Want To See...

Here's a partial list of campaign ads I desperately hope McCain/Palin put out:

  • A montage of news clippings from the MSM that talk about McCain being a "Maverick" and breaking with the Bush administration. Contrast that with the CONSTANT barrage of "third term" and "90% agreement with Bush".
  • Put up Obama's record vs. Palin's. Contrast with the long knives being unsheathed over her inexperience.
  • Also WRT records - put up George Bush's record pre-2000... Add comments from the Democrats about him being the "least qualified person to ever run for president"... Contrast that with Obama's record. Ideally, show the SAME people supporting Obama.
  • TOTALLY throw the "chickenhawk" meme back in their hypocritical faces. Run clips from 2000 and 2004 about how Gore and Kerry were better suited to lead based on their military experience. Single sentence at the end: "What Changed?"

If McCain runs ads like this, he will CRUSH Obama. Use their own words against them. Good luck calling that "going negative"or "attack ads" (although we all know the press will do just that...)

What else would y'all like to see?

That is all.


Rustmeister said...

I'd like to see a rundown of the bills Obama sponsored at the state level.

Seeing as he was in Chicago, I bet they'll scream "limousine liberal".

RW said...

Play clips of this and have the scroller across the screen say "hey, do you want a candidate willing to campaign drunk or Sarah Palin & John McCain"?

Or, a screenshot of this and a commercial saying "Barack Obama's lunatic supporters are spreading rumors about Sarah Palin's teenage daughther. Is this the type of person that you want your vote to attract?"

Finally, just a random clip of Jeremiah Wright, followed by "whether your pro-choice or pro-life, we thought you'd like to know that when a bill came before the Illinois senate seeking the protection of babies that were BORN during the process of an abortion, Barack Obama was against it. Barack Obama: seeking protection for the privacy of terrorists overseas to get phone calls from their sleeper agents here in the USA, unwilling to stop the killing of a baby that, simply because the doctor botched the abortion. And now, since he's running for the highest office in the land, he's lying about it."

Jay G said...

There's an idea right there: Do a montage of all the campaign folk Obama's thrown under the bus.

Tagline: Obama's willing to throw his own people to the wolves when the going gets tough. How can we trust him to stand up for America?

RW said...

Yes, but those are not the people that he knew all those years.



Ever notice that you never hear any colleagues saying anything about his accomplishments between the time he enrolled at Harvard & his tenure in the senate (state or federal)? It's like he went straight from "community organizer" (and we all know what that means: fake ballots & gov't gimme programs) to politician. Where are all the folks saying "you know, when we worked together on X, he played a vital role"? Has he done something besides speak?

Anonymous said...

> "What else would y'all like to see?"

Palin, wearing a two-piece and a sarong, standing on a beach, with a come-hither look over her shoulder, walking off into the sunset as she discards the sarong--

Oh, wait, my wife reads this blog.

I mean: "strict policy issue ads, comparing Palin's support for drilling in ANWR versus Biden's promise to give Iran a $200M foreign-aid check ('no questions asked') after 9-11."

If she can avoid sounding like a jabbering mental patient (i.e., me) in the VP debate, and no screwball skletons come out of Palin's closet, I believe McCain just won the election.

Weer'd Beard said...

A commercial on All the bills drafted by Obama, then what's been Written, Signed and done by McCain and Palin. The McCain bills might piss some off as he's written some ripe ones, but it'll show that Obama was just drinking the free coffee.

Has Biden done anything?

Kevin said...

Just start with ads of Josephine Biden bloopers. That's good for at least a month or two. Rotate these with Obamarama and other supporters' gaffes. Sprinkle in a few experience + vision McCain/Palin ads and it'll be slam-dunk come November.

Anonymous said...

"What else would y'all like to see?"

The Republicans totally and utterly destroyed.