Friday, September 5, 2008

10-Second Review of McCain's Speech

General impression: Meh. It was pretty bland, nothing spectacular. Pretty much exactly what we'd come to expect from a polished politician. He touched on his strengths, hit his opponent's weaknesses, basically ran the standard format. The booing and cheering were jarringly scripted; the one bright spot, ironically, was the way McCain flippantly dismissed the FOURTH protestor of the evening.

Grade: C. And that's being charitable. I saw little to excite or energize those on the fence. I'm concerned about how McCain is going to do in the debates - while he's got a strong grasp of policy and experience, Obama can work the crowd. And, sadly, that seems to be all that matters these days...

That is all.

1 comment:

Borepatch said...

Jay, I don't think he was talking to you (or me). He was talking to Mrs. Borepatch, and her girlfriends. Here are the things that rang their bells:

- School choice (well, a solution for failing schools).

- Join us, pitch in (the bit at the very end).

- Sen Obama, we're both Americans (it was picked up as a really gracious moment).

I think he did better than a C where it counted. I don't like him much (who was it who said "Vote Heart Attack/Palin 08"?), but I wasn't the audience.