Sunday, September 21, 2008

30 Second Range Report...

Took my blogson to the club for some shootin' this afternoon. Much .22LR was flung downrange. Many orange clays met their untimely demise.

Shootin' stuff is fun. The S&W Model 17 is crazy accurate, and fun to boot. Nothing says "good day shooting" quite like to busting 6 out of 6 clays on the 25 yard berm...

And I've got a new computer and wireless internet. Heheheheheh...

That is all.


Borepatch said...

"Crazy Accurate" doesn't even begine to describe it. Shooting from the bench with it was cheating!

Thanks for the afternoon of Zen.

Weer'd Beard said...

We just got back from MRA (I should have looked on the website, the Loeb range was closed!!)

Brought two ladies and 200 rounds of .22 LR, and much fun was had!


(One of the ladies was packing heat for the first time!)

Jay G said...


Like I said, it would have been cheating if we'd used my scoped Remington on the 25 yard range. An unscoped .22 rifle at 25 yards isn't cheating; practically *any* pistol at that distance isn't either...


I was surprised, actually - there were other folks at the handgun range today. Usually it's pretty empty (we're in an area with a lot of hunters).

200 rounds of .22LR?!?! I think Ted and I shot that much in an hour... ;)

And one of the ladies was packing heat? You realize this thread is worthless without pics... :)

Weer'd Beard said...

"200 rounds of .22LR?!?! I think Ted and I shot that much in an hour... ;)"

We were only there for an hour-and-a-half ; ]

Anonymous said...

Shooting stuff is fun.

You borrow that from The Box o Truth?