Monday, September 8, 2008

Almost Forgot...

Sometimes, being anal pays off...

Went up to Kittery Trading Post over the weekend. Wife wants to do outlet shopping; my revenge is we go to KTP and I spend an hour ogling the GIANT ROOM 'O' GUNS...

Well, they've got Septemberfest going on. There's an archery exhibition put on by my alma mater (UNH); there's a Dewalt tool display; Toyota was pimpin' their full-size truck line; and there was a small trailer set-up by Crosman where one could shoot a variety of their BB guns.

My son, naturally, was drawn to this display like a moth to a flame...

We're standing in line, and I, being me, ask him to tell me the Four Rules before he can shoot. He makes me proud by bangin' all four right out, no hesitation whatsoever.

Guy running the Crosman registration was so impressed, he gave my son an official Crosman baseball cap... Man, you would have thought he was given a million bucks, that's how happy he was...

And, to be honest, Dad was pretty darn happy too... (You should have seen the look on the Crosman rep's face when I told him we were from Mass...)

That is all.


JD said...

Score one for the good guys!


Borepatch said...

The local neighborhood kids (at least the ones the same age as #2 son) come over to shoot BB guns. Seems we're the only parents in the neighborhood who have (gasp) *guns!!!* in the house (well, BB guns, anyway).

#2 son teaches *them* the four rules.

Heart swelling with fatherly pride, that's what you're hearing there.

Anonymous said...

Will your son let you wear it sometimes?
I can imagine the pride you must feel!

Anonymous said...

"We're standing in line, and I, being me, ask him to tell me the Four Rules before he can shoot. He makes me proud by bangin' all four right out, no hesitation whatsoever."

Kudos to you again, Sir! You have been added to the blog-roll!

Jay G said...

jimbob86, shoot me a link so I can reciprocate! I'm actually putting up a post later today adding some folks to the 'roll, so if you could get that to me this morning that'd be great.


Anonymous said...

jay g, I don't have a blog of my own, but comment on several regularly. I do post quite a bit at, a concealed carry board, and at