Monday, September 15, 2008

Beware The Librarian!

Apparently Breda is not content to merely be the world's most dangerous librarian. She has apparently felt it necessary to branch out into other avenues of world conquest. Oh, sure, she might try the "mild-mannered librarian" act from time to time, but in the meanwhile she's consolidating her power and turned her attention to yet another nefarious scheme: Trendy public transportation design:

Her handiwork was seen on the side of some MBTA buses in and around Boston. Alert reader sci-fi was on hand to witness this brazen attempt to capture the hearts and minds of soft-hearted city dwellers. Stay vigilant, folks. You've gotta keep an eye on them librarians all the time. As we all know, the Dewey Decimal System is really a code language for their ancient and mystical organization, with plans for world domination contained in the byzantine dots and abbreviations...

(Why, no, I don't think I inhaled too many fumes at the range yesterday. Why do you ask?)

That is all.


breda said...


Anonymous said...

I guess designing Ferraris wasn't paying the bills.

Anonymous said...

I've only seen the name "Breda" twice in my life - first on the Fallacy, and second on the side of the subway. Strange.