Monday, September 15, 2008

Gunnie Warm & Fuzzies...

Okay. I'm officially a gun nut.

At the aforementioned "shooting event" yesterday, I was fortunate enough to share bench space with Paul, the owner of State Line Guns (and yes, another free plug for the man kind enough to share class III weaponry at the Bloggershoot...).

Paul reaches into his rifle case 'o' wonder, and puts a gorgeous FN-49 down on the bench. I take one look at it, recognize it from the ad in J&G Sales (I was thinking of buying a C&R version they had chambered in .30-06), and remark, "Hey Paul, that's an FN-49, right? Looks to be chambered in the original 8mm."

He responded "Yes it is, as a matter of fact!" He seemed pleasantly surprised that the rifle was recognized - he'd been asked if it was a Garand earlier.

True Gunnie Happiness is surprising a gun store owner with your knowledge of arcane mil-surps. Oh, and hitting steel with a pistol at 50 yards. That was a treat, even if I could only do it 2 out of 6 times with the Model 17... Getting good advice from a friend is excellent. Putting it to good use is sublime...


That is all.

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