Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Gun Pr0n #76

Okay... time to reveal the mystery gun from last Saturday's major find... It was hinted at in the second New Shooter report... Someone came awfully close...

Without further ado, here she is!

It's a Remington model 572 Fieldmaster pump-action .22S/L/LR rifle. Took it along on the new shooter trip last Sunday, and it shoots like a champ - I was busting clays on the 25 yard berm like nobody's business (mental note: pick up a couple boxes of clays to bring to the range...).

What a fun, fun little gun. Lightweight, easy to shoulder, accurate as all get-out... I really can't find any fault with this rifle. The pump is a very short stroke, which can lead to issues loading rounds if you're not aware of it. Once you're used to the action, though, it's really easy to shoot this rifle quickly and accurately.

It's funny. I already own 7 .22LR rifles. I wasn't looking for another one, really... Well, I do need to pick up a Ruger 10/22. But another pump-action? Hmmm... I mean, I've got a Winchester 1906 which is a helluva lot of fun to shoot. Sometimes, though, something just falls in your lap, and you've gotta take it...

That is all.


Anonymous said... of these days I MUST retrieve Grandpa's Winchester Model 61 pump from Mom's house....

Thanks for the memory jogger.

knitalot3 said...

Thank goodness! Friday gun pr0n. After reading the car post, I was afraid you were slipping.

Nice gun.

Anonymous said...

Close enough guess that I'm hardly disappointed, given what I had to work with! Kissin' cousins, the Speedmaster and the Fieldmaster are so close that I believe they share the same receiver (a trick that Remington uses throughout most of their firearms lines).

For a real blast (actually, a non-blast) feed that fine firearm some CB Shorts or CB Longs (check CCI's lineup). Quiet enough that you won't need ear protection, and the smack of the bullet hitting a tin/aluminum can will make more noise than the report of the shot. It's the closest thing you can get to a silenced/suppressed firearm in many of the states that prohibit such fun accessories.