Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thought Question...

For those who claim the media is not biased towards the Democrats:

How do you reconcile the media circus that surrounds the Republican Vice Presidential nominee's teenaged daughter's pregnancy versus the near-total media blackout on, say, the Democratic Presidential nominee's sweetheart mortgage deal from a convicted felon?

On the one hand, we have the poor decision making skills of a 17 year old girl.

On the other, a Harvard-educated lawyer getting something for nothing.

One is newsworthy; the other isn't. Go figure.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Even more annoyingly, the 17-year-old girl is not running for any public office, while the Harvard-educated lawyer is.

Don'tcha just love it?

Kevin said...

Or the fact that her counter-part's daughter was arrested for interfering with a police officer.

Weer'd Beard said...

One is a real-world family dealing with real-world issues in a similar way we all would.

The other went to a Racist Church until we called him on it, was against the 2nd Amendment before he was for it, likes to hang out with domestic terrorists, and Felonious slum-lords, and flys his buddies in for a quick game of B-Ball.

Sarah Palin is just normal folk, and McCain was obviously thinking about us when he selected her.

Now that's Change I can belive in!

TOTWTYTR said...

Why is it that this issue is so important, but John Edward's infidelity and father an out of wedlock child isn't?