Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thank You, Tam...

Alternate title: Quote of the Day...

I was going to just call this QotD, but since Tam had already used that as the title, I figgered I needed somthing different...

I've been trying like hell to put my finger on just what, exactly, the media frenzy over Sarah Palin reminded me of.

Tam hit the magic playback button:

I haven't seen such bigoted vitriol since the Clarence Thomas nomination.

Bingo. Clarence Thomas's confirmation hearing. That's what the media-circus over Sarah Palin reminds me of. Oh noes! Her 17 year old daughter is preggers. That's an OBVIOUS sign that her family valuez is teh suxxor!!!!111!

Fucking morons. The absolute furor that McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his VP has created tells me one thing: The Democrats are scared out of their fucking minds.

Thanks Tam.

That is all.


Borepatch said...

The Greeks had a saying: Those the Gods would destroy they first make mad.

Looks like it's working.

RW said...

The last time I felt this way was the Wellstone memorial-turned-campaign-rally.

This is the time you start telling the difference between the people who have honest disagreements over policy from the pieces of shit that hate your guts and think that you should consider yourself priveledged that they tolerate your very existence.

Andrew Sullivan, the dailykos, Alan Colmes and many others are people that have moved from the "disagree" column into the "pieces of shit" column.