Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yeah, Let Us Know How That Works For You...

Biden Calls Paying Higher Taxes A Patriotic Act

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans. The Republican campaign for president calls the tax increases their Democratic opponents propose "painful" instead of patriotic.

I'm guessing this ought to go over like Read My Lips...

And I can't help but wonder who Biden "borrowed" this from...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

You know it's not illegal to pay more then you owe. Wonder how many of the douche-bag-tax-on-you-but-not-on-me-commies DON'T lie on their returns to minimize what they owe?

Anonymous said...

And I wonder how much over his required taxes Biden pays...? Anything at all?

If people want to pay more than their required taxes, more power to them. But to say it is "patriotic" (and, by implication, indicate that not doing so is "unpatriotic")... yeah, that is just blazingly idiotic.

SpeakerTweaker said...

Pardon the expression, but:

I don't give two shits or a fuck if it's patriotic or not. I have a right to act or feel however the hell I want.

If it becomes tax law, then it won't matter if it's patriotic; it will be illegal if you don't pay tax.


Jay G said...


I'll go you one better. Here in MA, you can actually check a box on your state taxes to pay at a higher rate.

John F'n Kerry, that champion of the little people, did not elect to pay extra...

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought this was a blindingly stupid thing to say.

Even for Joe Biden...

Borepatch said...

C'mon guys, cut 'em some slack. They're smarter than us. Nicer, too.

They keep telling us so.

Anonymous said...

If I refuse to pay higher taxes, I wonder if Joe will "question my patriotism"...

Oh wait, he'd get to throw me in jail. Nevermind...

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this the same message King George was sending to Americans in 1775?