Friday, October 24, 2008

File Under "U" for Useless

Former Mass. Gov. William Weld to endorse Obama
SALEM, N.H.—Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, a Republican, is endorsing Democrat Barack Obama for president, citing the senator's steady leadership, good judgment and ability to unify Democrats, Republicans and independents.

"Senator Obama is a once-in-a-lifetime candidate who will transform our politics and restore America's standing in the world," Weld said in a statement released Friday. "We need a president who will lead based on our common values and Senator Obama demonstrates an ability to unite and inspire.

Excuse me, Bill, but just what the fuck have you been smoking these days? Obama has "steady leadership"? Of what, exactly? Be specific. Please give examples of Obama's alleged "leadership".
"Ability to unify Democrats, Republicans and independents"??? Please point out instances where Obama has done anything other than tow the Democratic party line. You did a great job parrotting what they told you to say.

Enjoy those 30 pieces of silver, asshole.

So Howdy Doody endorses Jughead. This is the best they can do? This is the caliber of "Republican" they can pay off to endorse Barack Obama? Guys who are still pissed off after more than a decade that their hopes of being an ambassador were torpedoed by Jesse Helms? Guys who have been out of the political arena for more than a decade?

Nice try. I don't fuckin' think so.

That is all.


JD said...

Ya, you got that right. . . I thought his name was William not Benjamen. . .

Anyway, I hope he goes back under whatever rock he came from now. . .

Kevin said...

Gee, a ex-Massachusetts RINO, who was appointed an Ambassador by Billy-Boy, rejected by NY Republicans, and previously endorsed a fellow ex-Massachusetts RINO endorsing The One; I'm shocked, I tell you shocked.

TOTWTYTR said...

The reaction to this endorsement by most people is going to be "Who?".

Anonymous said...

Weld was dead to me since his in-person testimonial in defense of WJC during impeachment. I may not be bright, but I have a long memory.

What a feckless twit.

Mulligan said...

"once in a lifetime"

sweet. I won't have to go through this again.

If I live forever neither will anyone else.