Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So Let's See...

We've got Florida registering felons in violation of their own laws.

We've got ACORN filing false voter registration in multiple states.

And here are CNN's top political stories:

CNNMoney: Bush plans to pump billions into banks
Brown: So what if Obama was a Muslim or an Arab?
Lawmaker seeks probe after own affair alleged
Palin aides warned in trooper feud, report says
Berlusconi brings down the house -- and podium
Borger: Money woes make attacks less salient
House GOP objects to spending in stimulus package
Wall: Obama and Bush not so far apart
Zelizer: Will 'intellectual' label hurt Obama?

Interesting. Not a mention of rampant voter fraud to be found. Notice, though, that the non-story "Troopergate" is the fourth link...

But there's no bias. Go figure.

That is all.


Unknown said...

Campbell Brown raised the question:

"When did that [being Muslim] become a disqualifier for higher office in our country?"

The real question at stake is...
why is being Christian a prerequisite to become President?

That's the real problem with this country... not only did we neglect to allow both women, and black people the ability to vote in the past, now the problem is that Chrisianity is somehow representative of this amalgam of diversity that we call "the melting pot" of the world. Somehow I think this bubble is going to burst real, real soon.

RW said...

now the problem is that Chrisianity is somehow representative of this amalgam of diversity that we call "the melting pot" of the world.
Eight years ago a practicing jew was on the ticket that garnered the most votes (albeit, not enough in the electoral tally, which is the one that matters). One doesn't "have" to be a Christian. Some of our founding fathers were Diests or Athiests.

As far as being a muslim being a disqualifier amongst many. Well, the phrase "72 virgins" doesn't quite carry the erotic cache' that it would've normally garnered a few decades earlier. 'WHY' that is......well, that's the answer to Campbell Brown's question.

But....really? That's the "real problem with this country"? All those Christians acting so Christiany?

Unknown said...

"72 virgins" doesn't quite carry the erotic cache' -
tell that to Bill Clinton and Elliot Spitzer.
Why are the Red states in the Bible belt?
Why is Mccain drumming up support from those people who are predisposed to quesition other non-Christians by using inciteful hatred smears and fears against anyone who so much as looks different than their skin color or practices different religions? Why did their campaign support recent comments from a Christian leader suggesting that it's only non-Christians who want Obama to win, somehow suggesting the notion that it's only Christians who back Mccain. Why did Mccain hold a Christian prayer at the RNC? Why does Palin want Creationism taught in public schools? Why should this nation not question George Bush when he says "you are either with us or against us?"


RW said...

One by one:

tell that to Bill Clinton and Elliot Spitzer.
Nonetheless, the point stands. The positive PR machine for Islam when the beheadings cease.

Why are the Red states in the Bible belt?
Dude, they weren't red until the mid 90s. Further, they're red because they're more conservative. The home of catholicism is the great northeast, after all, yet it's solidly blue. All that said, how the bible belt votes has nothing to do with your assertion that Christianity is the biggest problem with this nation. That is, unless you're contending that it's because the bible belt doesn't vote the way you want it to vote. Well, let me save you some time: they're red in presidential elections. Democrats are in power all over the south & the bible belt.

"Why is Mccain drumming up support from those people who are predisposed to quesition other non-Christians by using inciteful hatred smears and fears against anyone who so much as looks different than their skin color or practices different religions?"
Nonsensical talking points. Emphasis on nonsensical.


McCain runs a campaign that is completely color blind and still you guys claim that it's in evidence. Preposterous.

Why did their campaign support recent comments from a Christian leader suggesting that it's only non-Christians who want Obama to win,

Citation, please. Citation to the SUPPORT OF THE COMMENTS FROM THE CAMPAIGN, as you charge, not of comments from some person.

By the way, Obama has gleefully attended the kos convention. You know, the guy who said "screw them" about the defense contract workers who were killed & their bodies burned? Yeah, that kinda hatred.

No word on if the greedy mercs were followers of Christ, though.

Why did Mccain hold a Christian prayer at the RNC?

Why does Palin want Creationism taught in public schools?
Talking point that has been shown to be a lie (long ago).

Your cred is taking a hit, BTW.

Why should this nation not question George Bush when he says "you are either with us or against us?"
Question in what way?
Do you think the coming theocracy is out to arrest you because you don't believe as Bush does?
Checked your closets for jack booted thugs, recently?
Chances are, Dan, that you're still quite free to do and believe as you see fit. And, trust me on this one, George W. Bush isn't stopping you.

So, go ahead & question all you wish. Chances are pretty good, I'm guessing, that if you think Bush is out to punish you because you're an athiest then you're likely going to get people shaking their heads & backing away if you do it publicly, though.

Okay, here's your chance to say that Gore/Lieberman lost because Lieberman is a Jew. Yes or no?

I'll give this one more chance, but the next talking point leads me to hit the "back" button & just say "eh, forget it".


Christianity? The biggest problem in this nation? Not crime? Not a coarseness of the society & decay of morals? Not the emphasis on corruption, greed and narcisissm? Not out of wedlock births? Single parents? Drug addiction? Illegal immigration? All those pale in comparison to those people who go to church on Sunday & sing songs?

Really, Dan? The Christians are the ones infringing on your rights? You gonna stick with that one?

RW said...

Palin lie site (I screwed up the html):


If you'll note the date, it's been well over a month since the knowing world was notified of the lie that you're passing along.

There's no need to fear us Christians, Dan. We're not out to hurt you. If you don't want salvation, no one's going to force it on you. That sort of thing happens in, well, Islam, really.

Jim, TX said...

Hitler started like this

Look back to history - Hitler started like what Palin and McCain are doing now - Hitler raised anti-Jewish slogans in the name of Nationality, and ended up killing Jews.

We claim to be the model country of human rights, and let these radicals run to become our rulers! What hypocrisy!

We, including our leaders down to every idiot in this country, spread hatred on race and religious basis. Then we proclaim we are the perfect land on earth. Then we want the rest of the world to believe us. We spread untruth about Islam as a terrorist organization, we do not even refer to Islam as a religion. For the information of all the idiots who support Islamic hatred here, Islam is one of the leading religions, with followings equaling those of Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism. Mohammed descended from the same ancestral line of Jesus Christ and Abraham.

On tolerance: an 80% Hindu country, India, is now governed by an ITALIAN BORN ROMAN CATHOLIC WOMAN, SONIA GANDHI - I think we should learn a lesson from this example for respect and tolerance for human dignity.

We blame Islamic population for hating us – we forget that we spread Islamic hatred at every level in our country.

The world can see all these blogs – and they rightly judge ours as a racist country

Jim, TX said...


What is wrong with the name SENATOR BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA?

For all those hate mongers or uninformed or misinformed here, HUSSEIN is a well respected name in the world, just like Joseph, James, Mathew, John, Peter, and all other Christian names, and for that matter, like other religious names, like Rams, Krishna, Ganapathi, Siva, and all those Hindu religious names, and a slew of other religious or regional names in the world.

Only bigots here can think that HUSSEIN is unacceptable in the US.

Jay G said...

Perhaps you can point out where anyone here has said anything about Barack's middle name?

Or was that not part of your copy&paste?

RW said...

The Obama campaign & the Dems in general are the ones who go apeshit whenever someone makes the huge mistake of....uttering his name.

A sheriff is being investigated for speaking the name at a McCain rally. Obviously, more hate speech, right?

If Obama loses, we'll all be racists. If Obama wins, only the ones who voted against him will be racists.

Anonymous said...

damn, jay g you pulled the asshats out of the woodwork with that post. McCain = Hitler, what a load of shit. i am a little slow but i didnt catch the theme of this post really being about religion. It seems to me it was concerning the fact, that in less than a month. We are going to have a communist for potus and the media acts like its just "another day in the neighborhood". Dan do you think the reason the christians favor McCain has something to do with the abortion issue??? I think if you want the christian vote its common knowledge that you better not be pro-abortion.

BobG said...

Nothing like having an idgit troll (jim, tx) Godwin the thread just as it is getting good.