Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yes, Even More Media Bias...

Alternate title: SRSLY? This is what passes for campaign news?

After Joe the Plumber, Joe the Hothead?
WASHINGTON (AP) — First there was Joe the Plumber. Is Joe the Hothead next?
Joe McCain said Friday he'll withdraw from campaign activities for his brother, GOP presidential nominee John McCain, after calling 911 to angrily complain about traffic. Joe McCain has apologized for making the call.

The candidate's younger brother, who lives in Alexandria, Va., told Washington radio station WTOP he was returning from a campaign event in Philadelphia around 2 a.m. on Oct. 18 when he got stuck in traffic on Interstate 495 at the Wilson Bridge. Police say the call was made about 1:30 a.m. Oct. 21.

Frustrated because of the traffic, Joe McCain called 911 to find out what was going on. The operator asked him to "state your emergency."

Okay, first off, Joe McCain is an imbecile. Calling 911 about traffic delays is a completely unnecessary drain on our emergency services, and he should probably be charged with making a nuisance call or somesuch. Secondly, this is a headline article? Really? A candidate's brother does something stupid? Imagine if they'd paid this much attention to Roger "my brother has a nose like a vacuum cleaner for coke" Clinton. Third, don'tcha just love how they juuuust happen to work the "hothead" angle in? One of McCain's weak spots, allegedly, is his temper. And the media's sure is quick to damn McCain based on his brother...

Between this, the idiot McCain worker who faked a hate crime attack, and "troopergate" (once again, I remind the reader the amount of attention paid to the allegations of AR State Troopers being used to escort Governor Clinton's "guests" in and out of the AR Governor's mansion...), it's all picayune crap that goes against McCain. This is complete and utter bullshit, I'm sorry. Obama gets ass-kissing puff pieces about visiting his sick grandmother (who, I hasten to add, I hope makes a complete and speedy recovery from her fall); McCain gets headlines for his brother's idiocy. Yeah. That's fairness right there.


I need to get to the range.

That is all.


MedicMatthew said...

Much akin to folks getting their panties in a twist over Billy Carter's endorsement of Billy Beer.

This ain't news folks.

God I hate everyone.

the pistolero said...

Yep, this is news, but the fact that Obama associates with one of the ringleaders of a group that wanted to kill 25 million Americans isn't. But there's no bias in the press, nosirree.

Rustmeister said...

I thought only Democrat Presidents had idiot brothers.

Anonymous said...

Good thing we don't dig into Obama's family tree. Like his (half)brother George who lives in a hut -- which would make such an interesting counterpoint to his exhortations that "Family comes first" when flying off to visit his deathly ill grandmother, who has scant moments to live, yet he could campaign for a week before jetting off to see her.

The double standard is jaw-dropping in its nakedness. The only thing worse is the sheeple's willingness to abide by it.

Oh, and Tina Fey looks like a shriveled crow compared to Sarah Palin. Just sayin'...

TOTWTYTR said...

Speaking of Grandma Obama. Does anyone else think it strange that there is no footage of anyone visiting her or even of her going into the hospital? I mean Rose Kennedy went to get a flu shot and it was at the top of the evening news.

I think Obama is taking a pre election vacation to try to dodge any uncomfortable Ayers questions.

And of course Joe Biden remains under house arrest in Delaware.

Mike W. said...

I happened to have MSNBC on last night and heard Rachel Maddow (barf) talking about the 911 story.

In what world is this considered newsworthy?

Jay G said...


Bingo. On both counts. Well, except the exceptionally cool and intelligent folks that comment and link here at MArooned, that is...


No kidding. ACORN files fake voter regs? No prob. Obama gave $800K to ACORN? Yawn. Obama takes sketchy foreign campaign ca$h? No deal.

McCain's brother acts like a petulant child and does something stupid? Front page all day, baby...

Nope. No bias here... {rolleyes}


McCain ain't president yet. And the media is pulling out all the stops to make sure he doesn't have a chance...


I forgot about the half-brother in Kenya. You'd think the Obamessiah could have used some of his book advance money to fly him over to America...

And Sarah Palin makes pretty much anyone not getting impregnated by Tom Brady look like a shriveled prune in comparison...


That is a most intriguing point. It *is* interesting that we've seen hide nor hair of grandma Obama. Now, I'm willing to give the supplicant media the benefit of the doubt here - I'd wager Obamessiah asked, or told, them Grandma was off limits.

mike w,

At the VERY most, this should have been nothing more than a quick five second blurb.

Instead it's been on the front page all day long, which is approximately 23 hours and 58 minutes more coverage than ACORN, Tony Resko, or Obama's connection to Fannie Mae got...

TOTWTYTR said...

I heard that she broke her hip. Probably happened when Obama tossed her under the election bus a few months back.