Friday, November 21, 2008

Feel-Good Friday...

This past summer I blogged about a heartbreaking local story. This morning the local news ran an update on this young boy:

Father says his son's remission is 'a miracle'
The child who it was feared would die after his mother allegedly withheld medical care for leukemia is now in remission and has returned to school, his father said yesterday.

"Basically right now, it's a miracle," Eric J. Fraser said of his 9-year-old son, Jeremy, who has autism. "He is doing excellent. His health is all good now. Basically, a lot of people wrote him off, but I put him in God's hands and look at what happened."

I'm speechless.

This is, quite simply, a miracle; there's no physiological or biological basis for this sort of remission to occur. Yes, I know that it can happen; that's certainly not unprecedented, however it's highly unlikely. As the expression goes, David slew Goliath, but that's not the way to bet.

They say in space, no one can hear you scream; I'll offer this corollary: At the gym, no one can see you cry.

G-d continue to hold you and protect you, Jeremy. May your miraculous recovery continue, the cancer remain at bay indefinitely. And thanks to everyone who read this story and said a prayer to the Big Guy. While we may never know if there's any connection between prayers and miracles and modern medicine, I'd like to think there's at least a chance.

A chance Jeremy now has.

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Thoughts and prayers for continued remission. Miracles DO occur...

Weer'd Beard said...

Consider my Day MADE. Wow, that's great news!!!

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

You ol' softy.