Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Trails...

Love him or hate him, it's still the end of an era.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

I've got Kim to thank for renewing my love of all things that go bang. I'd gotten into the shooting sports as a young lad; renewed interest when I got my LTC after my grandfather passed and I inherited his cherished firearms; and then lost interest as life intervened.

Discovering Kim's site rekindled my love of things that go boom. My life, and my wallet, haven't been the same since. I'll always cherish the words of wisdom imparted to me when I asked Kim's opinion of two different .22LR revolvers: "Buy both". And I did...

Thank you, Kim, for everything. Enjoy the retirement. Punch a hippie.

That is all.


phlegmfatale said...

Gonna miss KdT

Home on the Range said...

He was one of the first bloggers of note to link me, it was an honor. Still is.

Hope he enjoys the time.

BobG said...

Didn't always agree with him, but you knew where he stood on a subject. I enjoyed reading his blog even when I disagreed with him.