Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Riddle Me This Part III...

Top Ten List: Caroline Kennedy's Qualifications to be the Junior Senator from NY:

1. She's a Kennedy.
2. She's a Democrat.
3-10. See items 1 & 2.

Remember, she's from the same political party that railed about Sarah Palin being grossly unqualified to be the Vice President. And that's after being a mayor and a governor, two positions more than Caroline Kennedy has ever held. Now, I'm certain that Ms. Kennedy is a wonderful person and certainly couldn't be any worse than the senior senator from NY, but there's a certain delicious irony in seeing many of the same people who jeered Sarah Palin now cheering Caroline Kennedy.

Why, it's almost like they really don't give a hairy rat's patoot about qualifications!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

It would be a classic D appointment, a combination of affirmative action and aristocratism. She's:

1. Democrat, like the previous holder of that seat
2. Female, also like the previous holder
3. A Kennedy

As for the question of fitness for the office, Limbaugh got this right years ago: to Democrats, incompetence is an admirable trait. Incompetent Republicans and independents get thrown out. Incompetent Democrats get promoted.

certainly couldn't be any worse than the senior senator from NY

Don't bet any more on that than you can afford to lose.

Anonymous said...

Hell, that irony has been ongoing ever since Palin's name came up for VP... Why should the Democrats stop being the inconsistent idiots they were before the election, just because it is over?

scotaku said...

I guess we'll have to learn that there's a "right" kind of woman for the job. Pedigree over substance, yes?

Let New York get what they ask for, I suppose. Lots of taxes (fees!) and few freedoms (you could hurt yourself!).

RW said...

Why should the Democrats stop being the inconsistent idiots they were before the election, just because it is over?

Remember, the entire '04 campaign was "vote for the war hero & veteran". Consistency is often as scarce as an honest politician.

Personally, I hope she gets appointed. Nothing illustrates the corrupt tendencies of today's Democratic party more than voting for an unqualified delicate flower who makes you feel better about yourself because he was black AND extending Camelot because you think the Kennedy's are better at deciding what to do with your money than you do.

This is, after all, the party of the superdelegate. The appropriate motto of the DNC is "you don't know what's best for you".

You know why they hate Sarah Palin? Because she could kick their asses in hand-to-hand combat then steal their husbands stares as she donned her Prom Queen gown. In short: because she's better than them, prettier than them, has accomplished more than them and is a better example for other women than them.

And they know it. So, they need to prop up the child of Camelot to battle her image. And, the press will serve as their footsoldiers.

Jay G said...

I have the greatest commenters in the fucking world.

Just wanted to say that...

RW said...

Thanks, but I committed one of my own personal pet peeves: it should be "Kennedys", no apostrophe. Christmastime reminds me how many people think that pluralizing a proper noun commands an apostrophe, when it doesn't (that's reserved for possession or contractions...or, maybe numbers & figures such as saying "all the 3's").

Sorry to go OT, but that is a HUGE peeve of mine & I'm beside myself that I did that very thing. In my own defense I'd originally written something about the "Kennedy's hold on power" or something like that & backspaced & rewrote the rest, but I still should've removed that MFing apostrophe.

RW said...

Ahem, "Ted Kennedy's hold on power", not the family's. Then it would be the "Kennedys' hold on power".

Yes, I'm that anal 'bout that.

Weer'd Beard said...

But Sarah Palin was just One heartbeat away from....

There's another duality, Obama essentially admitted on Meet the Press that he's still smoking, and nobody cares.

FYI my Grandfather was just about Obama's age when the Coughin' Nails claimed him, and he was just the executive of a grocery store in a small Maine town.

RW said...

It doesn't matter.
Obama could've been a participant in Michael Vick's dogfighting escapades, collaborated in the Nigerian e-mail spams and been the originator for New Coke....doens't matter. As long as he's a Democrat and not the essence of evil in the world (not radical muslims, that's our fault because we're infringing on their soil, or something), a conservative Republican.

Welcome to 1998, when Clinton was guilty of various crimes: it. doesn't. matter.

Nothing matters, because the Republicans are worse. That's why bambi was never asked any tough questions; he had to win. That's why Joe Biden skated through his frequent gaffes; he had to win. That's why Sarah Palin was treated worse than Christ was in front of Pilate's crowd; she had to be crucified in order for Bambi to win.

Nothing else matters but the religion of liberalism (newly named "progressivism". Apparently, liberals aren't popular, so they're repackaging the brand). And make no mistake about it: much like global warming - now renamed 'climate change' - it is a religion.

Anonymous said...

The fact that nobody would know who the heck she was if she used her married name oughta tell you everything you need to know about her qualifications.

And let's not talk about the idiot idea that it was a "woman's seat" or an "African American's seat"... just don't even go down that road.