Wednesday, January 14, 2009

News At A Glance...

Let's see what's in the news this morning, shall we?

*Purported Bin Laden Tape Seeks Jihad In Gaza - yadda yadda yadda, Bush=Hitler, stop the aggression, bad economy, etc. IOW, he sounds like Nancy Pelosi...

*State Of City Address: Menino Seeks Wage Freeze - Get the unions to agree to a plan that does not include automatic pay increases? This might as well be titled "Mumbles Wants Hell To Freeze Over".

*Geithner's Tax History Muddles Confirmation - y'know, I'm just some schlub off the street, but it seems to me that hiring a dude who can't even figure out his own personal taxes to be the Treasury Secretary ain't the brightest move going...

*Blistering cold temperatures hit Midwest - Quick, someone put out the Gore-Signal! It's further evidence of man-made Global Warming. To the Gore-Mobile! (You mean your 100 foot houseboat? Yes).

*Pentagon: Ex-Gitmo detainees resume terror acts - Everyone who didn't see this coming, please raise your hand and wait for a whack from the ClueBat. Then report for duty in the new Obama Administration Department of Missing the Bloody Obvious.

*Patrick considers raising gas tax - I know, I know. A Democrat from MA proposing raising taxes. Shocking, isn't it? What's that acronym, again? Oh, yeah, BOHICA...

*Officials turn down Franken request in Minn. race - "That's MY Senate seat! I stole it fair and square!" Better watch out before Franken challenges you to a fight - and then chickens out, natch...

*Sex-spread diseases on the increase - no truth to the rumor that it's because the Democrats are back in power, although with Hillary Clinton being on the campaign trail and leaving Bill to his own devices, all bets are off.

*Revere library chief resigns amid inquiry - I'll never understand why people are perfectly willing to risk their livelihood and their good name over a few measly grand. I did, however, enjoy this little tidbit of investigative journalism: "He declined to say what those purchases were, but said “there’s no evidence” any were related to pornography." These aren't the droids you're looking for...

*Hail to the chiefs: TV presidents could offer Obama insight on rigors of the job - Why not? Some of them have been on TV longer than Barack Obama was in the US Senate...

I think that's enough of the news for now...

That is all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"These aren't the droids you're looking for..."

HAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Good thing I just put my tea down!