Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We Love Lists, Part II!

Found over at Hell in a Handbasket, there's a part two to the "Manly Guns" list:

#10 1895 Nagant Revolver - will eventually get one, if for no other reason than they're cheap and I can get it with my C&R license.

#9 1893 Turkish Mauser - this is the only gun on this list I own.

#8 Colt Python - want one so bad I can taste it, but can't bring myself to fork over the $1,200+ they command in MA.

#7 98K Mauser - also on the "Big List 'o' Guns Jay will someday acquire.

#6 FAL - This is a tough one. I like it, yes, but I think I'd rather get an AR-10 variant instead for a .308 battle rifle...

#5 CZ550 in .600 Overkill - can see the reason for inclusion on the list, but have zero inclination for such a rifle. Just not my bag.

#4 Martini-Henry - Meh. Never really saw the appeal.

#3 Webley - perhaps if I could find one converted to .45 ACP...

#2 M1 Garand - want, want want. Someday. Hopefully soon...

#1 Browning 1919A4 - excellent choice, the .30-06 version of "Ma Deuce" is a perfect #1...

Only one gun on the list, and only three likely additions. I must be slipping in my advancing years...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Got two #8's and one #2. Sad but true, I can remember back in the 60's seeing barrels full of M-1s and M-1 Carbines, $17.50 each you pick em, and 1911A1s $50 you pick em. Of course I was too young and stoopid to buy a double handful of each...sigh...

Anonymous said...

I'm 5 for 10 off Part I. As for Pt. II:
10. 1895 Nagant Revolver: Had a Belgian one. Small parts had beautiful straw finish. Ammo was a problem so I sold it for more .45acp ammo.
9. 1893 Turkish Mauser: I’ll stick with my M-96 Swedish Mauser.
8. Colt Python: My Uncle John had one. He sold it. “Why did you sell it?” I asked. “I needed to pay for some cancer meds.” he said. Felt like sh*t. Also reminded me that there’s a lot more in this world than guns. RIP Uncle John.
7. 98K Mauser: See #9. Do have an ’03 Springfield.
6. FAL: Will never replace the M-14 in my heart … but wouldn’t say ‘no’ to one.
5. CZ550 in .600 Overkill: I hurt just thinking about it.
4. Martini-Henry: Wadda mean you don’t see the appeal? Do I have to send you my copy of Zulu? Sing Men of Harloch while you clean it?
3. Webley: A .455 slug coming out of a mass of Victorian engineering. What’s not to love?
2. M1 Garand: With rifles dated 1941 to 1944 and ammo dating from 1942 to now had no problems of any sort with any rifle with any ammo. And all could keep “minute of Kraut” out to 300 yds. CMP here I come.
1. Browning 1919A4: Browning design, .30-06 round, belt fed, scares Liberals.
In short, a perfect addition to anyone’s collection.

DJK said...

#10....Cheap and can be suppressed.