Saturday, February 14, 2009

Eric Clapton, Look Out...

The Boy got "Guitar Hero III" for his birthday from one of his aunties. We've been playing it pretty much all afternoon and evening - so far, I'm the only one to make it all the way through a song without having the curtain fall.

Y'know, there's a certain... coolness about being able to totally kick your son's butt playing "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"...

That is all.


Andrew said...

Now who has a "Wii Problem?" Most folks that I know with kids, Wii and Guitar Hero have fights with the kids about who gets to play.

Borepatch said...

Guitar Hero is teh awesome. Best thing is that the kids listen to Clapton and Rush now, instead of Backstreet Boys or whoever it used to be.

RW said...

Made it through my first song in "Expert" mode the other day. And let me second what Ted said. Instead of hip-hop or Hannah Montana, my kids are now singing Nirvana & Bon Jovi.

Jay G said...

The Boy's karate dojo has "Nerf Wars" for "Parents Night Out" where you drop your kids off, they feed 'em pizza and then turn them loose in the dojo with Nerf guns to ambush each other for a few hours.

As we prepared to leave the house to go to "Nerf Wars", BabyGirl G was running around the house singing "Hit Me With Your Best Shot".

Incredibly cute? Oh hell yes...

Epijunky said...

He'll be kicking your butt in a week.

Or at least mine was.

Christine G. said...

aaaah. guitar hero. we actually lost geoff for 4 days to guitar hero at christmas. it was great.

if real drumming is at all like guitar hero drumming, in need to get him on a kit.

but he's mr. expert level on everything and will shame any comers and challengers... perhaps we'll come by and he can rock your teeth out of your head. i watch him play and it's scary.

and i have a good time too, but can't play anything over medium because my pinkie won't cooperate.

Jay G said...

Heh. I just unlocked "Rock 'n' Roll All Night" by Kiss.

The Boy will be pleased...