Needless to say, with two gun nuts at the table, we started talking about firearms and such. Out of the blue, my long-time friend (who, BTW, is a staunch pacifist although not a leftist moonbat, he's just a real "turn the other cheek" sort) asks me,
"So, how hard is it to get my LTC?"Not only that, but I was contacted by another friend about going shooting. She was impressed by my confession and wanted to go shooting for the first time. Looks like I'll be chalking up more new shooter in the coming months.
Makes the shitty week I had suddenly seem a lot better, I tell you what...
That is all.
Good on ya Jay! Keep up the good work!
They've seen the light at the end of the tunnel? That tunnel being "The Big Dig?" Oboy.
I long for the day when my Darling Charming Wife asks the question . . . how hard is it to get my LTC. Baby steps, my friend. Baby steps.
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