Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday, Buddy!

Today is The Boy's birthday. Eight years ago today he came into my life, an undersized bundle of joy that changed my world completely. With his birth, I became a father. Watching him grow up and become a little man, I became a Dad.

It's the greatest thing in the entire world. Nothing else even comes close.

I've cleaned up his butt, his barf, and his blood. I've picked him up after he's fallen, I've patched up scuffs, I've administered Tylenol for fevers, I've held him when he's had his shots. I've also seen the first school play, the first sleepover, and his first time at bat in baseball.

One helluva ride. 8 years in already, and it seems like barely an eyeblink.

Happy birthday pal. I love you.

That is all.


RW said...

I hope he has a great one. I still remember you announcing his soon-to-be arrival many years ago!

Jay G said...

Thanks Ricky.

I remember that time, too. Back when I could sleep until 8 or 9 on the weekends.

When I had disposable income.

When I had (slightly more) hair.

But you know what? I wouldn't trade anything in the world for what I have right now.