Tuesday, February 10, 2009


For House and Senate, it's time to compromise
(CNN) -- The Senate passed its economic recovery package Tuesday, setting the stage for what could be a bitter battle with the House as the two chambers try to reconcile the differences between their versions of the plan.

The final vote was 61 in favor and 37 opposed. The same three GOP senators who helped the bill survive a key test vote Monday -- Sens. Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter -- again broke ranks to support the bill Tuesday.

Compromise? Excuse the ever-lovin' fuck out of me, but "compromise" usually means that both sides come to an agreement, typically each yielding a little ground and meeting in the middle. In this case, it's a helluva lot more like they're ramming this "stimulus" up our asses and the "compromise" is that they're going to use sandpaper instead of rocksalt as a lubricant.

I'm sorry, but we are fucked, and I don't mean in the hot, sweaty, good way.

Gah. Off to the range.

That is all.


BobG said...

I'm thinking of getting some handle-grips attached to my boots, because I have a feeling we're going to spend a lot of time grabbing our ankles for the next four years.

Anonymous said...

I love the inside info that leaked this AM indicating that members of Congress laughed at Geithner last night when he briefed them on the banking bailout. If even Congress has started to view Obama's approach as ridiculous...

RW said...

Anyone else noticing that even though the Dems have huge majorities in both houses, failure to fall in line with the Messiah's wishes results in criticism of Republicans?

Sorta like blaming Scott Brosius for A-Rod's steroid usage....

Remember when dissent was patriotic & it was laudable to question authority?

Mike W. said...

Sounds like their definition of "compromise" is about the same as that of the anti-gunners.

It's amazing. The Dems control Congress and the WH, and have enough of a majority that they can basically do what they want, yet anything & everything is still the fault of the evil Republicans.

Will BDS never end?