Friday, February 13, 2009

So *THIS* Is What HopenChange Feels Like!

Here's the list of what MA cities and towns have submitted as their "shovel-ready" list of items they would like funded with the stimulus money.

Take a read. Let the HopenChange wash over you. Then remove all breakables from within reach as you see things like this: $15 million for landscaping at UMass Amherst. Actually, I got curious and added up all of the UMass Amherst requests. Over $120 million dollars. For one facility.

That's above and beyond the money that they normally appropriate for such matters out of tuition and fees, folks. That means there are some $120 million worth of projects above and beyond the normal scope of the UMass Amherst operating budget.

Someone please tell me why the Chancellor of U.MA Amherst isn't being pilloried like the heads of GM/CitiGroup/Fannie Mae/etc.? To have so poorly mismanaged the school that it needs nearly an eighth of a billion dollars in additional money just to bring it up to speed? That's borderline criminal malfeasance.

Just something to think about when they talk about how the eeeevil corporations need to be reined in...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I doubt that it needs the money "just to bring it up to speed". More likely it's up to speed, and just has a LONG wishlist of things to buy with other people's money, not that that's any better. I forget who said it, but it's a good quote anyway: "Universities share one characteristic with compulsive gamblers and exiled royalty: there is never enough money to satisfy their desires."

Anonymous said...

I realized that you may not care, but I was pleased to see that my city, Marlborough, has a very small list and it all appears to have something to do with a Charter school.

Hey, it's something. Maybe I'll drop Mayor Nancy Stevens an "attagirl" for not rooting in the public trough too badly.

Jay G said...


Heh. Good point.

I was, of course, being sarcastic - the point being that $120 million is some serious cake, and that there had better be a damn good reason they need that much money...


Of course I care.

And my town isn't even on the list. Of course, we're a tiny 'burb out in the sticks with (literally) one stoplight, so... ;)

RW said...

It's even worse in GA. Millions to install solar panels on a middle school's gym, laying sidewalks, creating $60K/Yr "Community Services Representative" jobs (not a joke), adding a $71K "Domestic Violence Response/Prevention Investigator" job.

If I'd predicted that this would be proposed a year ago, I'd have been laughed off the internet. Apparently, the community organizer is going to nationalize the only real job he ever had. I hope he had nothing to do with this & it's all Nancy Pelosi, otherwise we're @#$%ed for the next 8 years.

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