Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fun Thread: Conservative Cars...

Okay, so turnabout is fair play. Last week's fun thread was cars associated with filthy hippies; this week we'll turn our eye to the cars most likely to be driven by stodgey conservatives.

So here's the list!

1. Ford Crown Victoria. Automotive conveyance for police officers, taxicab drivers, and blue hairs throughout the land, the Crown Vic is a universal "dad" car. And there's no one more conservative - some, like The Boy, would say "stupid harsh" - than dear ol' dad...

2. Cadillac DTS. More upscale than the 'Vic, the DTS is an ideological brother wrapped in leather. This is the CEO's car, an American icon that says, hey, I don't care that it needs to be maintained by a fleet of highly trained mechanics, it's the carmaker-of-choice in Goodfellas...

3. Hummer H2. More comfortable than it's militarily-derived brother H1, the H2 maintains the ginormous, Republicans-hate-Mother-Gaia contours of the most evil SUV ever made. Just don't forget: Republicans protect the environment - strip mining prevents forest fires!

4. Toyota Camry. Reliable. Inexpensive. Plant built in the US and staffed by non-union autoworkers - what could possibly be more American than that?

5. Ford F-150. Not all conservatives drive sedans; some prefer the towing and hauling options offered by a light-duty pick-up truck. With seating for up to six adults, V8 power, and 30+ years of being the #1 selling truck, it's a pretty conservative choice in its own right.

6. Chevrolet Suburban. Of course, no list of conservative vehicles would be complete without the official vehicle of Texas, right? I remember visiting our partners in San Antonio at my last job and remarking that something like every third vehicle was a 'Burban...

7. Honda Accord. Heck, this one makes the list purely on resale value alone. Nothing says fiscal reponsibility like a value-holdin' Accord (and please note I said "conservative", not "Republican"...)

8. Chrysler 300. Now, not the ones with the 22" rims and tinted windows so dark you don't need sunglasses; but the solid, boxy luxury car with 350 horsepower under the hood. Safe, secure, and can move like nobody's business when the rubber meets the road.

9. Ford Focus wagon. For the more, err, entry level conservative, the Focus wagon offers decent hauling capacity as well as good fuel economy. It's not much to look at, but it gets the job done day in and day out.

10. Chrysler K-car. Sure, the newest variant is over 20 years old, but the boxy shape and nostalgia alone help this homely little bastard make the list. The K-car is widely credited with helping Chrysler pull itself out of the hole it was in at the turn of the 1980s, and Lee Iacocca himself praised the little K car for helping fix Chrysler...

On a side note, it was pretty easy to put together this week's list. Basically, I thought about what cars my friends and family drove and then extrapolated a little further. Feel free (as always) to jump in if you think I've missed one or if you disagree with a choice...

Just remember: There are no wrong answers, just stupid hippies.

That is all.


firefighter4884 said...

I'd add my Toyota Tundra to the list...

It has a big V8, can seat 5, and gets about 15mpg :)

And it's a Toyota :)


Les Jones said...

Until it was discontinued, the Jeep Cherokee. Stayed the same forever and lasted forever.

Anonymous said...

The K-Car?!?! You've popped your cotter pin. It was a pure Socialist vehicle. Poorly made and assured of use by massive government contracts. Chrysler was given a federal loan then "repaid" the loan with profits from GSA purchases.
Any federal employee forced to use a K-car from the GSA motor pool in the early '80s can tell tales of parts falling off, electrical failures and how you had a choice between using the A/C or doing the speed limit.

Anonymous said...

My grandfather used to drive one of the most boring, conservative cars ever conceived by GM . . .

The Chevrolet Caprice.

His was a 1970's vintage and Holy Brother of Moses, did that sucker burn oil. What a hunk of trash.

Today's post might be a good segue into a post on concept cars . . .

- Brad

Old NFO said...

Les beat me to it, but Jeep- been around for ever, more Jeeps sold to government than any other vehicle. K cars were a POS!!!

Anonymous said...

You forgot one - sort of. Lincoln Towncar/Mercury Grand Marquis should be right next to the Crown Vic. :)

Heath J said...


The DTS is what I got popped in while en route to the december Indy blog meet.

Speed limit?? We don't need no Stinkin' speed limit!

Sabra said...

Mmm, the Focus isn't a good wagon. Should've gone with the Taurus or the LTD or even the Escort for a wagon. You need a good station wagon for a conservative car. Mine can seat up to 8, the older ones would seat 9.

I'll agree on the Crown Vic, though. That's my baby there. I've wanted one of those since I was 18. (Well, that & the Taurus wagon I'm driving now.)

Anonymous said...

Chrysler Imperial. My dad's boss insisted on buying Dad a two year old one every two years (Hey, new would have been two expensive... but the VP and Chief Engineer needs something fancy) up until '74 when he had to just keep the '70. I loved that beast...

And the Chevy Impala. Just 'cause.