Monday, February 16, 2009

Thought Question...

Now that Obama is flush with his "success" at ramming through the largest spending bill in US history, with concomitant fawning press, is he going to turn his gaze towards banning (certain) guns? With this spendulus bill he's come a hell of a lot closer to national health care than Bill Clinton ever came; isn't it conceivable that Obama would want to out-ban Bubba, too?

Especially considering the unholy shitstorm that's going to hit the fans around the country if President HopenChange's gasoline pissing unicorns don't show up post-haste to fuel everyone's car in this age of Socialism... They've already started downplaying the stimulus bill - it hasn't even been signed yet, and they're already hedging their bets. Any bets as to how many times Bush's name will come up when (not if) the stimulus fails to put the brakes on the failing economy?

I think I'm going to start a torch-and-pitchfork concession stand business - might be a money maker in coming days...

That is all.

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