Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm tired.

Tired of being the grown-up.
Tired of being the responsible one.
Tired of being the disciplinarian.
Tired of feeling unappreciated.
Tired of being the good child.
Tired of being frustrated.
Tired of being the good example.
Tired of being the provider.
Tired of working hard with little to no recognition.
Tired of being ignored.
Tired of being neglected.
Tired of putting everyone else first.
Tired of coming in last.
Tired of being taken for granted.
Tired of being a doormat.
Tired of hiding my feelings.
Tired of pretending everything's all right when it's not.
Tired of backtalk.
Tired of not talking.
Tired of feeling less important than what's on TV.
Tired of doing everyone else's work.
Tired of being the guy who gets it done.
Tired of being the answer man.
Tired of fixing everyone else's mistakes.
Tired of taking crap from everyone.
Tired of being me.

But since this is the only me I have, I guess I'll have to keep being tired.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

At least you're not:

Tired of acting like a child when you're a grownup.
Tired of living moment-to-moment because of lack of responsibility.
Tired of having everyone roll their eyes and ask you not to bring your kids because they have no discipline.
Tired of requiring appreciation from everyone else for personal happiness.
Tired of having everyone ask "What do you need now?" every time the phone rings.
Tired of having to teach your children to do as you say, not as you do.
Tired of wondering if your family's going to have food on the table or a roof over their heads when the landlord asks for the month-overdue rent.
Tired of needing sunshine blown up your ass to do a good job at anything.
Tired of needing to be the center of attention.
Tired of feeling like everyone else owes you something.
Tired of having no one you care for more than yourself.
Tired of unearned achievements so that real success becomes meaningless.
Tired of having no one rely on you.
Tired of fighting every moment for your way.
Tired of having everyone approach you with kid gloves until they find out how you're feeling that day.
Tired of letting life's setbacks keep you from seeing the importance of family, friends, and personal fulfillment.
Tired of having dependent, clingy children with no will or spirit.
Tired of having no one to talk to because they've tuned you out.
Tired of no one feeling comfortable enough around you to relax.
Tired of seeing nothing get done.
Tired of being the guy that no one counts on to do anything.
Tired of having no one ask you for anything.
Tired of relying on everyone else to fix your mistakes.
Tired of being so dissatisfied with your life that you spend all your time crapping on everyone else.
Tired of pretending you're someone else.

Your me beats most others'. All the best man. Hang in there!

Jay G said...

Thanks. I needed that...

Just feeling a little overwhelmed these days - seems like everyone wants/needs a piece of me, and there's nothing left for me any more...

I think Friday will be range day...

JD said...

Jay - I thought I was the only one . . . Thanks!

One day at a time as they say!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I can relate.

I prescribe a range session, a good steak dinner, two or three bourbons, and a movie with lots of boobs, firearms, and explosions.

Epijunky said...

You're a good man, Jay. I think we've all felt this way at one point (or several points :))

And pajamaverse... Rock on. Thanks for putting things into perspective for me.

Carl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, your blog often mirrors exactly how I feel, as I think we're a lot alike between guns, parenting, and Scouts. I've gone through the same thing recently and then realized while looking into my tired eyes in the mirror that the a**hole punk kid I was has turned into a caring, self-reliant man blessed with friends and family. All those pieces of me that I gave away I see bear fruit every day when a friend greets me or my kids want nothing more than for me to spend time with them...

Anonymous said...

You and the little lady need a weekend away from the kids.

I get the feeling she could have probably written the same post.

10% said...

Reminds me of a song by Cross Canadian Ragweed:

"Sick and tired of being sick and tired."

Keep your head up, this too shall pass.

blogger said...


Also tired of large groupings, but I can't blame anyone else for that.

Unknown said...

Hey, you're a responsible adult male. Welcome to the club.

SpeakerTweaker said...

Damn, brother. I was gonna say something all cool, but Marko beat me to it by a longshot!

If it makes you feel any better, I ain't tired of ya (yet:)!

Go shoot something.


Mark said...

You sir echo my current feelings 100% I need a range day and a good campout/fishing weekend, to commune with what God has given us. That way I can recharge my spiritual batteries to keep on going.