Monday, March 16, 2009

Err, No.

Lawyer: Accused coach out of his league

MASHPEE — The attorney for the local high school soccer coach accused of statutory rape of a 14-year-old student said yesterday his client believed the alleged victim was flirting with him.

Stephen Weixler, 22, of Mashpee, a coach for the girl's junior varsity soccer team and a teaching assistant in a middle school special needs program, thought all the girls on the soccer team were flirting with him, defense lawyer Thomas Guiney said.

Okay, first off, nice ego, dude. Secondly, you're talking about barely pubescent high school girls. I don't care if they were flinging themselves at you, you do NOT flirt back. And you sure as hell do not touch. Dude's lucky he just got fired, as opposed to being on the receiving end of a very pissed off father and a woodchipper...

What pissed me off the most, though, was this bullshit:

"These young teachers don't recognize boundaries," Guiney said. "Before they throw these young teachers in the classroom, they should give them some training in boundaries."

When I was 19 years old, a buddy stopped by my house. He had his girlfriend with him, and she had brought her 15 year old cousin with her. At 15 years old, this girl had a body that was designed by Satan on one of his better days. And yet, even then at the tender age of 19, I knew that it would have been wrong to try anything with this girl - even though she was very flirty, willing, and eager. Hell, come to think of it, when I was a 23 year old graduate student teaching Biochemistry lab, I had more than a few young co-eds flirt with me. Never once did it enter into my head to flirt back - there's no piece of tail worth losing your education and future career over.

They don't need training, you nitwit. They need to be summarily fired and banned from teaching for the rest of their lives when they do something so monumentously stupid as send sexually-charged text messages to a goddamned fourteen year old. Training ain't gonna fix that kind of stupid, and I don't want someone that egregiously bereft of common sense driving my kids' school bus, let alone teaching them a damned thing...

We need to bring back the stocks. I'll bring the rotten fruit.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Stocks are a good start. With this kind of stooopid, measures should be taken so this dolt doesn't procreate.

Rustmeister said...

Reminds me of the Beavis and Butthead episode where they accused a girl of sexual harassment:

Beavis: She's doing it again! She's doing it right now!
Judge: What is she doing?
Beavis: She's giving me a stiffy!
Judge: Giving you a what?
Beavis: You know! BOOOOOING!
Butt-head: He has an erection.
Beavis: Yeah yeah yeah, and its all her fault!

TOTWTYTR said...

Pillory, not stocks. Far more painful and humiliating. It can also be used as a whipping post.

Anonymous said...

These idiot young teachers don't know boundaries because they were brought up in a time where parents never set boundaries. They're the ones that their parents let run around the house doing whatever they wanted; talked back to their parents whenever they wanted and never given boundaries. Hell, I doubt if these idiots even know what a boundary is. And yes, these idiots probably don't even believe in borders and support amnesty for illegal aliens. Again, not knowing what boundaries are and what's legal. The Liberal education system, coupled with uber-liberal parenting is what's going to cause the downfall of this country.

Z@X said...

Teach boundaries? This guy is a predator. No "get out of jail free" card for him.

Stocks would be a nice start.

Jack'o'all Trades said...

I'm writing this without the benefit of reading the comments already posted.

At the root of this is a complete breakdown of the authority boundries. These "teachers" are coming from the generation where there were few authority figures of significance. Generally, parents wanted to be and still want to be "friends" not "parents/disciplinarians/authority figures".

So when these young educators get into a position where responsibility is probably THE most important characteristic of the job, they have no clue how to approach the role. They want to be friends with their charges and be liked as a teacher... students soon learn that they, not the teachers, run the classrooms. Once this handing over of power occurs, there is no getting it back.. and for those teachers who choose to take on extracurricular activities (coaching, club sponsors, etc), if they can't maintain the proper authority stance in the classroom, they sure as hell aren't going to be able to keep it together on the field...

Why the education of the educators hasn't addressed this is completely beyond me...

Sabra said...

All things considered, I'm pretty sure they do teach boundaries. Or at the very least, every school system has a verbal & written policy of not doing things like this...Too, there's the whole little thing about it being, y'know, illegal. It's not that this dip didn't know about boundaries, it's that he chose to ignore them & his lawyer is trying to lay a defense.

Larry said...

I got a boundary for him. I call it the Dad boundary. Woodchipping's too good for him, unless it's done Saddam style (feet first).
And yes, I will break the law for my girls.