Mossberg 590. Now 20% more evil
The eagle-eyed will note the addition of the M10 bayonet and a Knoxx SpecOps recoil-reducing stock with four-position adjustments. The recoil-reducing stock was a must-have addition, as I'd put one on my Winchester 1300 and it makes a significant difference when shooting slugs. For sheer tacticool points I'd rather have a Butler Creek side-folder, but for actual utility the Knoxx SpecOps gets the nod. And the ducats. Future additions include a tactical sling, a forend with SureFire light, and a forend pistol-grip.
Plus whatever else I can think of to add on to this bad larry to make Sarah Brady soil her armor...
That is all.
I SO have to get a Knoxx Stock for my Mossberg 500A. 12 gauge recoil can be so damned punishing.
The funny thing would be that I'd use it while doing sporting clays. The guys with their $5000 Over/Unders would be looking at the idiot trying to be all Tacticool like he was some sort of ... uh... idiot. But, at least I could go through 50-75 shells and still be able to move my shoulder the next day.
Now, if I could only find some money to buy one with.
I got wicked lucky with mine - the C&R license saved me $30 off MidwayUSA list, and I sold the Knoxx SpecOps stock I had on my Win 1300 for about $10 less than the new Mossberg one cost...
This is defintely not a sporting clays gun. Although I could always charge the ones I miss with the bayonet... ;)
Save the stick for charging unsuspecting Teletubbies. Don't waste it on clays.
No shotgun is complete without a bayonet.
The Spec-Ops stock is the next addition to my Mossy 500, Housewarmer. Unless, of course, I find a 590 that needs a new home.
Heh. I've said that "A shotgun without a bayonet is like a day without sunshine"...
The 590 is highly recommended. It is, as Ferris Bueller would say, "choice"... ;)
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