Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Massachusetts Way...

You want to know how things are done in MA? Here's a checklist...

  • Proposed $0.19/gallon gas tax increase
  • Proposed increase in income tax to 6% from 5% (20% increase)
  • Proposed increase in various and sundry fees (firearms permits, car registrations, etc.)
  • Cuts to local aid resulting in cuts in police, fire, and other critical services.

And at the same time, we have do-nothing jobs for $60K/year...

Yeah, that's change I can believe in. I do suppose it is better than a $175K/year job that had been vacant the previous 12 years... Welcome to Massachusetts. Pull a seat up to the trough and dig in...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

BTW the Metro says "MBTA to Slash Gas Tax"

By "Slash" they mean they propose a lower increase than 19c.

Ahhh misleading headlines, my favorite!

JD said...

ah yes, Mass government, living in it's own world since 1776. . .

scotaku said...

Remember, it's Evacuation Day! Time to grab hold of some onerous pol and send him or her packing! Then and only then can/should you celebrate with beer/whisky/corned beef and cabbage.