Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Who is this Erin, and Where is Her Bra?

Happy St. Patrick's Day, folks; or, if you're a City of Boston employee, happy "Day off from work so you can drink green beer" day. Also known as "Evacuation Day" {chortle}.

Being a Goombah-American, I've never been a big one to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. I've gone into the North End of the Feast of Saint Anthony (and yes, worn my corno). I've eaten homemade pasta (hell, I've made my own pasta). Hell, I've even drank my grandfather's homemade vermouth (from a stock that could double for paint thinner, no less...).

But St. Patty's Day? Green beer? Leprechauns? Never really got into it. Never really had the connection.

Well... Now I've got three reasons, two of which are half-Irish and one that's full... So, for one day I can be Irish. Chalk up another thing that happens when you become a parent (excellent list BTW Marko...) And yes, my children were served green applesauce for breakfast this morning...

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

That is all.


Lissa said...

I have a serious yen for green applesauce now.

. . . or is it for Guinness? Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Goomba American here and I'll be drivin' my pastaburner to the range on this lovely Evacuation Day !

Jay G said...

Heh heh. I was wondering if any paisans were going to pick up on that...

Anonymous said...

Still snorking at "Goomba-American."


--Wes S.