Monday, March 9, 2009

Pepulz. I Hatez Dem.

My last post talked about the thawing that occurred over the weekend, with temperatures hitting the 60ºF mark. Well, it being New England, the good weather didn't last long, and it's currently snowing like a bastard outside. We're expected to get 3-6" of heavy, wet snow over the course of the day, a stark contrast to the spring-like temps that had me pining for my Harley over the weekend.

What this means, of course, is that people have put away their winter driving habits and gotten into full-on spring mode. It took me over an hour to drive the 15 miles from my house to my work owing to a combination of idiots, asshattery, and general moronia sweeping the land. Plus it appears that several of the local towns I drive through on my way to work have decided not to treat or plow the roads as a cost-saving measure...

There were generally two types of idiot out on the road this morning:
  • The "I've got an expensive 4WD SUV and can drive 40 MPH over untreated roads" mindset (destination: woods)
  • The "OMG SNOW WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" mindset that creeps along at 5MPH, insuring a steady stream of cars coming up on the idiot and having to dive around them.

In addition, I actually had to turn back from my normal route because some imbecile had made it about halfway up a hill, stopped, and gotten their car perfectly perpendicular to the road. They were turned in such a manner that the tow truck which was on scene was having trouble finding purchase to straighten them out.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that driving sucks today - I actually had to use 4WD today - but there's just no excuse for things like, oh, stopping in the middle of the road to let your middle schooler out so he can get into dad's SUV. In the middle of the road. With cars skidding to a stop on both sides of the road, because mom's minivan was on one side and dad's SUV on the other. They stopped traffic going both ways (on a corner, mind you) so that their precious little one could ride in the more weather-appropriate car. I can totally grok this, mind you, I just don't want it done in the frakkin' travel lane.

The good part, though, is that the snow won't last long. It's supposed to get into the upper 40s tomorrow and Wednesday, with some rain expected to hasten the white crap's departure. Can't say I'm sorry to see it go - we've had a bad, bad winter this year (something like 14-15 measurable storms, one of the snowiest in modern memory. It's time for spring, and time to say goodbye to our bad winter drivers.

So we can say hello to our bad summer drivers, of course...

That is all.


Sigboy said...

Do you have the same problem that I do with the Ram? The one that I HAVE to use 4WD when it's icy? It might just be that heavy ass diesel in the front on mine.

Jay G said...

I've actually been very surprised by how well my truck handles in inclement weather - I very rarely need to use 4WD.

I find it's worst in slushy snow - the rear end really floats around a lot when it snows around the freezing mark (like today).

I'm hoping that the addition of a spray-on bedliner and cap will add sufficient weight to the back to help with this...

drjim said...

Saw the same thing when I lived in Illinois. I'd be going along at a reasonable-and-prudent pace, when somebody in a Jeep (didn't have SUV's back in the Stone Age) would go blowing by me. 90% of the time I'd see them in the ditch in a few miles. Just because you can GO better with 4WD doesn't mean you can corner or stop any better.