Monday, March 2, 2009


US says Iran has material for bomb
WASHINGTON - The nation's top military officer said yesterday that Iran has enough nuclear material to make a bomb, but Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the country was not close to building such a weapon.

Admiral Michael G. Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told CNN's "State of the Union" program that he believed Iran had enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon.

In the panoply of "shit that keeps me up at night", this is somewhat high on the list. Iran showed little hesitation to train and support terrorists against our forces in Iraq. The thought that Iranian forces might now have nuclear weapons in their arsenal is a frightening concept, and one that validates the concerns of the Bush administration in spite of reports to the contrary.

Well, now Iran has the bomb, or is damn close to it. They've openly stated their desire for destroying Israel, and now it appears they have the means to do so. If only more had been done while they were in development of nuclear weapons, we might not be facing such a dire outlook now. However, the political opponents of the President were more interested in him being wrong than in actually doing something about the situation (remember the kerfluffle over his "Axis of Evil" comments?)

I can only hope that the "loyal opposition" now is more interested in the best interests of the US than in proving President Obama wrong...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Any country in the middle east would be 'nucking futz' to launch a nuke attack on Israel. While the real number has never been revealed, the Israelis are believed to possess as many as 70 nukes, along with the means to deliver them accurately. Bottom line is that Israel could render Iran a smoking field of radioactive glass in a matter of minutes.

Mike W. said...

The good thing is I have the utmost confidence in Israel keeping those assholes in check. Obama? Not so much, but the Israeli's don't fuck around.

TOTWTYTR said...

But, but, Iran is a peace loving nation who just wants to get along with everyone.

I don't know if you saw it, but apparently they have the complete set of specifications for Marine 1.

I'm sure that's just so they can make suggestions to Obama on how to improve the design.

Brad, in case you haven't noticed, some of the leadership in Iran is indeed nucking futz.