Sunday, April 5, 2009


Tomorrow, I promise, there will be pictures of the Daddy-Daughter Dance. Honest. As well as an AAR of the Pinewood Derby Regionals. Right now, too busy playin' ball with The Boy and BabyGirl G. out in the 60ยบ sunshine.

Got my priorities, I do...

That is all.


Z@X said...

You're a good Dad, Jay G.

Also a good example.

agg79 said...

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

It is a long term investment of your time and energy but kids are every bit worth the sacrifice.

TOTWTYTR said...

Not only do you have your priorities, you have them in the right order.

Even now, I love spending time with my kids. In fact, now that they have grown into responsible, productive (but not reproductive) adults, I enjoy it even more than when they were little. Which was pretty good too, all things considered.

agg79 has it right, it's a lot of work to bring up kids, and you often have to give up things you'd like to do. In the end, if you work hard and things work out as they should, the rewards make it all worth while.

I don't regret one minute of missed sleep or any of the things I couldn't do, because there is no job more important.