Money quote:
A weapon has no moral stature since it has no will of its own. von Braun knew that American weapons were not a threat to world peace, but Russian weapons were. The defining difference between the two was not geographical location, ethnicity or even politics. The defining difference was morality.
The bolded part is something I've been saying for years. A gun is no different than a hammer or a toaster in that it is nothing more than a mechanical device made of metal and wood (or plastic, lest I forget my Glock fanboi brethren). It is only in the hands of a person that it can become a force for good - or evil. It is not good; it is not evil; it merely is.
Go. RTWT. You can thank me later.
That is all.
Seems the Obama administration believes that small arms are indeed evil. Why else would Obama be pressing so hard for the senate to ratify CIFTA, which Bill Clinton signed in 1997 or 1998.
Jay, on a related note, check you email.
- Brad, of The Brad News Service
Great quote jay!
The liberals around here seem particularly befuddled by the spoon vs. gun comparison.
A gun can do nothing without intent & conscious manipulation by a human being. It is amazing how many people are unable to grasp such a simplistic truism.
A gun is a TOOL, just like a hammer, screwdriver, fire extinguisher...
A gun is a tool. It is not safe or dangerous until picked up by some person. Just like a chainsaw.
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