Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let's Get It Started...

In the comments to this snarkilicious post about the qualifications of one Woman, Wonder to be a US Supreme Court Justice, there's the very hint of a movement starting:

Draft Tamara for the USSC!

Just imagine the possibilities... Tam telling Kennedy to grow a pair. Daily dope slaps to the judges that voted against Heller. Any time a 2A issue arises, Tam refuses all debate until any other justice can outshoot her. Snarkerific rebuttals.

There's virtually no downside - well, unless you're a filthy commie, that is...

That is all.


dr mac said...

Oh my, in my wildest dreams.

TOTWTYTR said...

Great idea! Why should a Supreme Court Justice have to be a lawyer?

I would hope that a wise Shootie woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a gun fearing wussie who hasn’t lived that life.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am the annoying anon from that post. And let me say, Tam would be a great selection. But don't let her know I said that. I enjoy the snark.

Jay G said...

dr mac,

Yours and mine both..



I'd trust Tamara's instincts and life experience about a million times more than, say, Ginsberg's legal prowess...


Heh. The snark alone would be worth it. Heck, maybe folks would start paying attention to the Supremes again...