Friday, May 29, 2009

Life Imitates "Airplane"...

Food Poisoning Prompts Emergency Landing
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A Delta flight made an emergency landing at Orlando International Airport on Friday after several passengers became ill.

Delta Flight 680 was heading to Atlanta from Ecuador when the pilot diverted the jet to OIA.

Authorities said three passengers became sick because of possible food poisoning before boarding the plane

Why am I reminded of this exchange:
Rumack: What was it we had for dinner tonight?
Elaine Dickinson: Well, we had a choice of steak or fish.
Rumack: Yes, yes, I remember, I had lasagna.

This does not portend well with my imminent flight to Orlando next week...

That is all.


David said...

Lookie here. I can dig grease 'n chompin' on some buns and draggin' through the garden.

Brad_in_MA said...

"Excuse me sir. I speak Jive."
- Barbara Billingsley

Home on the Range said...

Rumack: You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.
Elaine Dickinson: A hospital? What is it?
Rumack: It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.

Home on the Range said...

I just noticed the flight came from Ecuador. If I remember all too well, some of their tasty treats include roasted cuy guinea pig) or tronquito (bull penis soup). mmm

But they also just got Micky D's. Want to make a bet there's one at the airport now.

Pack food from home in you can. Even if your airport has decent food, it is ridiculously overpriced.

TOTWTYTR said...

The real news here is that Delta served a meal on a flight. When we got to Hawaii in July, I'm planning on packing lots of snacks.

Weer'd Beard said...

If you are ever offered "Fish" ask what kind of fish it is.

If they cannot answer, pick the other thing!

Weer'd Beard rule of thumb!