Sunday, May 10, 2009

Overheard Last Night...

So we take the kids out for ice cream last night...

The ice cream stand has fence posts about 3' high sunk into the ground that separate the parking lot from the stand itself. They're ostensibly to prevent the whiteheads from mistaking the gas for the brake and creating a drive-thru ice cream stand.

BabyGirl G. is holding onto the post and is spinning around it. I remark to Mrs. G. in a stage whisper that no man ever wants to see his own daughter dancing around a pole. And then I notice that TheBoy is doing the same thing. I couldn't help myself. I quipped:

"The only thing a man fears more than seeing his daughter dancing around a pole is seeing his son dancing around a pole"

I think every person waiting in line laughed at that one...

That is all.


Bruce said...

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

Christina RN LMT said...


Ah, children...always good for hilarious blog-fodder! ;)

agg79 said...

Hey, sounds like the beginning of a promising career. And with the ways things are going with the economy, that could be a fairly secure job.

libertyman said...

Okay, and you explained your familiarity with such dances how?

Jay G said...

Ah, yes, my children. Putting the grey in my beard and the fodder on my blog...

And as to how I know about the pole? Too easy - "Beverly Hills Cop".


agg79 said...

Hey, could be worse.
He could wind up being a lawyer (or politician).

Sabra said...

My middle daughter never passes by a pole without stopping to dance around it. Thankfully, she's also the one who insists on wearing clothes. I pray the latter impulse, being newer, will override the other.