Monday, June 29, 2009

Breaking News!

Billy Mays, OxiClean pitchman, found dead

(CNN) -- Infomercial pitchman Billy Mays died at his Tampa, Florida, home Sunday morning, authorities told CNN.

The 50-year-old known for his shouting OxiClean ads was pronounced dead at 7:45 a.m. The Hillsborough County medical examiner will perform an autopsy, Tampa police Lt. Brian Dugan said.
News reports claim that he may have suffered a bump on his head from a rough landing that may or may not have have contributed to his demise. Since there is trauma, police cannot rule out foul play. Given the nature of Mays' TV pitchwork, a police spokeperson called a conference to ask for assistance in ruling out foul play.

Police have little to go on - the list of potential suspects is approximately 300 million names long...

That is all.


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Oh no!

Why couldn't it have been the Sham Wow guy, instead?!

I'm gonna pour a 40 oz. on the curb for him. Then get RID of the STAIN, with the incredible POWER of OxyClean!

Mikee said...

I'd have preferred Smiling Bob to have dropped dead (dying happily in the act of enlarged-penis sex, of course) but I suspect another loud person will be recruited to yell at me during commercials to replace this very successful Pitch Man.

Trans Globe Lighting said...

If your 50 and famous this is not your month.

DJ said...

Sounds like it was a relatively peaceful way to go, anyway. I'm always a bit sad whenever someone dies unexpectedly, but I found his voice pretty annoying, so I'll not miss him.

BTW, 10 guys with these are gonna dig his grave.

long island gal said...

It's really scary that we don't even know when are we going to die. Even while sleeping, you can be a victim of death. You may be healthy at all times but you can also escape accident.