Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Gun Pr0n #114

Seems like everyone's talking about Derringers these days, so I figured I'd show mine off:

FIE Derringer

That's an FIE Derringer in .38 Special. It's one of of the pot metal wonders that Tam mentions in her comment to T-bolt's post, a true "Saturday night special" I picked up basically because I think derringers are neat and this functioning handgun was actually cheaper than a replica. And there's no truth to the rumor that I picked it up because Elvis was known to have carried an FIE derringer...

It's woefully inaccurate (like you're lucky if both shots stay on a silhouette target at 25'); surprisingly heavy for its size; only takes standard .38 Special (no +P in this gun unless you want to imitate a grenade...); basically, there are dozens if not hundreds of other guns that do what this gun is intended to do much better...

But y'know what? I think it's kinda cool.

That is all.


Walrilla said...

Derringers are not meant to be accurate. It's a last ditch weapon, meant to be shoved into a belly, or under a chin, and fired. When you have to use a derringer, niceties like a Weaver stance, and aim control, are way not a consideration any longer.

But they are rather cool, like my friend's, in .45-70.

Weer'd Beard said...

.45-70? That's a carbine, not a derringer!

James R. Rummel said...

Good post.
