Tuesday, June 16, 2009

GMAFB, The British Edition...

First 'anti-stab' knife to go on sale in Britain
The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.

The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to stab someone.

"Ineffective as a weapon"??? WTF? These people are as soft as a sneaker full of shit, folks - the damn thing's still a knife. It still has a sharp edge. I'll say it slowly: It. Can. Still. Be. A. Weapon.

I was looking around my kitchen earlier, and I saw about 150 different items that could easily kill someone. There's a heavy cast iron skillet with which I could bash someone's skull in. There's a whole cabinet full of glasses that could be shattered into sharp edges. Hell, the freaking wooden spoons could be snapped to a point quick enough and jammed in someone's aorta.

Remember, the tool isn't the weapon, the person is.

What are they putting in the water in England, anyways? Stupid pills?
He said: “It can never be a totally safe knife, but the idea is you can’t inflict a fatal wound. Nobody could just grab one out of the kitchen drawer and kill someone.”
WHAT THE BLOODY HELL? The goddamned thing still has an edge, right? It's not like blunting the tip prevents you from slashing someone's throat with it, or opening up their femoral artery. It most certainly CAN kill someone. Easily, if it's kept sharp (and no kitchen knife worth a damn - or $80 - won't hold an edge...)
"Killing with the tip lacks artistry". Gurney Halleck, Dune.
Gah. I have to get to the range this weekend. Exposure to abject stupidity can only be cured by recoil therapy...

That is all.


jaericho said...

The quote Dune was the first thing I thought of when I read your post. And after looking at the knives I still think I could stab something with them. Pathetic Britain, how the mighty have fallen.

ASM826 said...

Hopeless, clueless sheep.

They are lost, and all we can do is fight the dying of the light in our own country.

TOTWTYTR said...

Have you seen the proposed regulations from Customs?


Lissa said...

To paraphrase from a Jacqueline Carey book -- You know what else is dangerous? Air. We die without it, and yet we starve on a steady diet on it.

Bitmap said...

Remember the words of Jeff Cooper:

An optimist will say the glass is half full.

A pessimist will say the glass is half empty.

An API graduate will say that a drinking glass can make a handy weapon in a pinch.

A hoplophobe will say that all drinking glasses must be banned.

Anonymous said...

Indiana Department of Corrections had a Murder 10 years ago where the murder weapon was a plastic shampoo bottle (melted and twisted into a point).

To quote one of the greatest movies of all time "Lord of War": where there's will, there's a weapon.

Shootin' Buddy

Grayson said...

I had a look at the knife on the link. Very interesting. Without hands-on examination of the blade geometry, I'm willing to bet that I could still jam it into a standing rib roast deep enough to do some critical damage, just by swinging it with enough force (and an 'icepick'grip on the handle).
I'm going to make an unscientific prediction, Jay. To Wit: I predict that within 4 months of this knife being marketed in England, some vicious antisocial goblin will use one to commit a murder, and then the company that makes it will be sued by famillies of the victim. Sued for what? False Advertising and Fraudulent marketing, of course.
By the way, don't you ever stop posting your magnificent weblog, sir!

Anonymous said...

My first thought when I saw the stab-proof knife was, "OK, slice the throat instead of stabbing." It reminds me of a comment a fellow grad student at State Cow College made when the "No weapons including guns" signs got posted:
"Guess we're supposed to check our brains with the cops or leave then at the apartment."