Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Help a Blogger Out...

Strings is a fellow biker, gunnie, and all around good guy. He's heavily involved with Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA), and he has a simple request for y'all. I'll let him ask in his own words:
Sorry about the "mass email" thing here. Seemed the easiest way of handling this. Basically, I've got a request.

A couple of blogs have come to my attention, that deal pretty exclusively with child abuse. Since this is something I think needs more attention drawn to it, I had the bright idea to send out a beg to y'all: you represent the most popular blogs I read. Which means y'all have a fairly diverse readership.

The beg is, take a look at the following links. If you think they're worthwhile, please post something about 'em. The more light we shed on this problem, the better things will get. Without that light, the badguys win.


-- Love and Respect
President and Founder
Maritime WI BACA

Go. Read. Please.

It's tough stuff, to be sure. In a perfect world these sites wouldn't be necessary, as there would be no abuse. In a less-perfect-but close world, abuse would be met with stiff penalties, social ostracism, and some behind-the-woodshed justice. Barring that, letting good people have their say - getting the word out - is one of the best things we can do.

That is all.


SMP said...

Wow, I am so touched by this! Thank you so very much! I don't know what to say. Thank you!

Honestly, I wish I didn't have to have a blog like I do. I'm glad I touch so many people in a positive way, but I'd rather it not be necessary. The more we talk about it and the more we stand up and demand stricter penalties and more attention, maybe one day blogs like mine won't have to exist. That would make me the happiest person alive.

Thank you again!

Strings said...

Having parents like Jay can help, too.

Jay, I STILL giggle over your description of potential boyfriends of Lil'Girl G (see also, landfill)...

Sues said...

I wanted to say thank you as well. It makes a huge difference when we all get together and get this info out there to everyone. The predators have had the advantage for far too long, and it's way past time to change that. Thanks again!

chrisb said...

I pray every night that God will protect my little girl from these horrifying monsters. I just don't know how I could cope with the knowledge that some disgusting pedo had hurt her.

My number one goal in my life is to protect her from these people, and anyone else that would harm her.

Thanks to those that are out their fighting these "people".