Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The American Spirit...

...Is alive and well in MA. Oh, sure, it's kids being kids, doing something stupid and getting caught at it, but you've just got to hand it to these kids:

Boxford police break up huge teen house party
Boxford and state police rounded up more than 60 teens following the bust of a large house party Sunday night and Monday morning on Herrick Road. The incident is considered the largest illegal house party Boxford has seen in recent history, according to local police.

A sign advertising a 50th birthday party outside of 24 Herrick Road didn’t fool police when they stopped by to follow up on a noise complaint around 11 p.m.

(emphasis mine)

{sniff}Brings a tear to your eye, it does... These kids, showing the spirit that made America great, realized that they had a problem. They had a party planned. A big party. They knew that a whole bunch 'o' cars parked outside the house would bring unwanted attention, so they formed a plan. A cunning plan. A bold plan. And, as is most often when teenagers are involved, a stupid plan.

These kids get the MArooned Seal of Approval™ for thinking outside the box and applying creative thinking to a traditional problem.

That is all.


Reputo said...

That reminds me of the time when my brother and I had some friends over and when my mom came home early we tried to hide them in the basement.
Forgot about their bicycles sitting in the driveway, blocking my mom's access to the garage.

Old NFO said...

Gotta give em an A for effort, a D for planning...

Ross said...

Tell me again why it's illegal to drink if you're not 21? You can own a fucking RIFLE at 15, enlist in the military at 18, but oh, no... we don't want to teach our kids how to drink responsibly, so let's just BAN IT.

And no, I don't drink - I just think it's ridiculous that our society demonizes it. This is ONE thing we could learn from Europe - no underage drinking laws there, just massively severe penalties for driving while drunk.

Weer'd Beard said...

Well there's a special chemical in the Liver Ross, that allows proper metabolism of alcohol that ONLY starts being secreted about 7500 days after the infant is removed from the placental blood-flow. Be for that the immature enzyme converts Ethanol into Ethylhaldazine, a chemical known to cause loss of judgment, cancer, and flatulence.

So because of this scientific data....bwahahahahahaha Never mind Ross, I just was making that shit up, it's a bullshit law, and we all know it!