Thursday, July 23, 2009

That's It, I'm Gettin' Outta Here...

4 Toddlers Walk Out Of Day Care, Saved By Truckers On Busy Road
WEST MIFFLIN, Pa. -- Channel 11 has learned the state is investigating a West Mifflin day care from which four 2-year-olds wandered away Tuesday. The toddlers walked out of the Walnut Grove Christian School and down an access road. They ended up 200 yards away in the middle of busy West Mifflin Street.

When E. Dorcett stepped out of a nearby gospel radio station for a break, he noticed four toddlers, one girl and three boys, in the road. He then watched as two truckers ran to save the kids.

Man, what's that say about the conditions of the day care that these kids would rather risk playing in traffic than staying in the center? What was this place, the Ayn Rand School for Tots?

In all seriousness, if this had happened when my kids were in daycare, I would be looking for another daycare post-haste. If the kids can get out that easily, who's to say Petey Pedophile can't get *in* equally easily? I'd prefer that my daycare be secure enough to hold in a gang of two year olds, thankyewverramuch...

Carin' 4 da kidz: UR doin it rong.

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

When Weer'd-lings enter the Scene, since the Wife is the primary bread-winner, I'm quitting my job and grabbing something easy for a quick night shift and staying home the rest of the day.

I used to work in a Daycare. A rather nice Daycare at that. I still wouldn't drop my kids off for 30 hours a week at those places!

Rick in NY said...

This is why my wife and I decided to live on one income when we had munchkins of less-than school age. We do not trust daycare. Ever.

Our kids are older now, we're still on one income because now she's going back to college for her RN degree. When they get home they have about two hours where our oldest (a teenager) watches the two younger ones until one of us gets home. Still no daycare.

jimbob86 said...

Good call, Weer'd. Raising the next generation is the most important thing a family unit will do...... farming it out to the lowest bidder, or even to the hightest bidder ..... is well, if you want it done right, do it yourself.

I am an at-home dad. I did not plan it this way, but plans are what happens before contact with the enemy.

Old NFO said...

Unbelieveable... Any bets the "caretaker" was either on the phone or playing on the computer???

Anonymous said...

This story says more about the citizens of this country as a whole. How many cars and SUVs drove by without taking action. It took two truck drivers who are mostly looked done upon by society to save those kids.


Atom Smasher said...

And if they DID stop to think they probably thought "Oh crap - someone's gonna see me near a kid in public and call the cops."